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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About hoguie64

  • Birthday 10/14/1971


  • Skates
    Ccm outcast/Tour Beemer/Daoust 501 10EE
  • Hockey Bag
    big wheeled CCm tacks
  • Shin Pads
    Jofa 7500
  • Elbow Pads
    Cooper techniflex EP900
  • Pants
    cooperall Girdle CG2, cooperall black longshell
  • Helmet
    Jofa VM, Cooper Sk 2000 bicolor, jofa 285
  • Gloves
    Ccm pro stock 14.5"
  • Stick
    Shaft Ccm vector8 110, Blades Ccm Vector7/5

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Je suis joueur de roller hockey à Anglet(dept 64, in the south-west of France)in a "Beer team", je suis collectionneur de casques Jofa VM(22551/23551) et Cooper Sk 2000, je "collectionne" également le matériel Cooper, les casques Jofa "square" 285, cooper XL7, les patins Daoust 501(national, bi-structurel et titanium), je fais des conversion Ice/roller... et je ne parle pas anglais, je traduis via un traducteur, lol...
  • Location
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  1. these skates are nice, very nice realy but If it is possible to remove the markings "Mission" on the chassis, I think that the conversasions as this one would be even more made a success. I removed "Mission markings"on my conversion (daoust 501, mission Vanguard Aluminium chromated) with a special wipe, towel? (diverted from its nominal use, the soaked wipe is used to remove Wall graffitti (tags, grafs)). The brand of these wipes in an european brand, i don't think that is this brand is not distributed in North-america(SABESTO brand or Wurth).On certain supports, that works very well but not on all, regrettably. I renew my excuses for my English without sharpness(delicacy), I express myself only very simply in English, I would like to make more sharpness(delicacy) of judgment(sentence) but my vocabulary is really very limited... Vlad.
  2. As you were able to see on my first comment, I make conversions for the friends who play with me. There is no pro-shop near to my home, I repair since a few years and I use a rather simple and more very reliable system. I make you share my experience, because I saw on this forum of the assemblies which would have been able to be more looked after. This system is not expensive, the guy just has to be skillful and handyman... the simple système(inox and galva treatement) I have never had problems with this assembly. I shall modify the size(format) of the photo when I shall have found the method, sorry...
  3. thank you Fatwabbit, i look a this forum until 2 years maybe, i saw pure jewels (like 20k's of "Shute"), the converted skates are often well presented to the amateurs who we are! The conversions are for to be high-lighted...for example colors of wheels and chassis. the minimum is a small well-kept presentation if we're proud of our conversion. The "SHUTE" conversion is good work, the chassis is in central position in face of the boot, colors, design of the skate...the résult is a unik skate=> great skate! I rewrite for friends(that you are) i am so sad to cannot undestand some usuals words of conversation, translators do not translate some words or sense of sentences=> SOrry, the frenchie...
  4. Hello everybody(Sorry by advance for my terrible english without vocabulary), i follow this forum since a couple of year and i look some crazy skates, Every page of this forum is a treasure of surprises! I would like you to show my last conversion
  5. Son and daughter, rollerhockey, tourcrane, beer...

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