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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by fedorov#91

  1. doesnt pronger have ridiculously small feet too? i remember hearing that at some point and thought it was funny since he is such a tall guy.

    I could be speaking out of my ass here, but I'm sure I've heard 6 or so

    Yeh ive heard 6 aswell, but i doubt its true

  2. My stuff


    Did you pick up that Mission skid lid at the Giants equipment sale last night Ed? I seen you were wearing a red lid last weekend and had ditched the cage. I got one of those Mission lids at the sale last night altho I'm not sure weather I'm gonna ditch the RBK bucket for it.

    Also meant to ask you a few weeks ago, what did you use to black out your sticks? They seemed to be painted pretty smooth and you blended them back into the stick colour pretty well too.

    yess mate that the syngery ii and blade, 2 ccm blades and that vapor shaft they had a brilliant haul,the intake for 20 quid, ya cant go wrong! i was using daniels helmet last week just trying out the visor, but was gettin alot of shit from the mother,gf etc bout wearing a visor haha

    i just use glossy spray paint, i only did it to try it out once but now tbh i cant use a stick without the bottom blacked out!

  3. Thats a pretty kool visor, oakley retail? and where bouts u play in u.k?

    Yeah i brought the Visor from Source for sports in Edmonton a couple of years ago. I play @ Bisley in Surrey. I play in the GBHIS League.

    Ahh i see, pretty nice rink there

    Where abouts do you play?

    Northen Ireland, no real rinks, leisure centres and a wannabe rink, sucks

  4. 2 things.

    1. the seam on the top of the palm right under my pointer finger is REALLY tight. & i don't think that's going to break in.

    2. i wish i had another material in there somewhere. maybe leather in the middle. just to break it up.

    3. even though it's supposed ot be 13", it's a lot bigger than any other 13" i've owned.

    Hey, are they much bigger than a 13", like would it maybe be close to a size 14"?

  5. Gone them done at The Hockey Locker by Glover. Cost me £200 for the 5k skate and around another £60 for the wheels and bearings. The chassis came from my old Tour skates.

    See this post for more info Eddy

    Thanks Clark, thats not a bad price, lookin for pumps myself but didnt liek the 6k inlines.

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