1) Daoust 301 Super (first edition the "D" logo at front of boot not ankle) 2) Bauer 7000 3) CCM Custom Tacks 4) Lange Pros (I think that is what they were called the one Espo is wearing just not with Tuuks in his Ranger pics) 5) Micron M-1 (mainly because they were so much lighter than the Langes, they were half the weight)
Granted I am dating myself but about half of the skate brands availabe through the mid to late 80's were brown leather. My first "good" skates were CCM Custom Tacks and they were brown leather like their better brother the Ultra Tack. At the time Daoust 301 Nationals were brown leather, the briefly lived Orbit's were brown leather, etc. almost anyone who made a stiched skate other than Bauer was brown leather. Bauer Supremes were black leather, the kangaroo leather Roos were black, I believe Micron Mega's were black leather from the start, and I think the my Super 301's were the first Daoust's that were black leather, and at some time in the x52 Tack generation's Tacks became black leather.