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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. It would have been a 9EE when I tried them on. The length was similar, Reebok were much wider. If I had it to do over again I would have bought Mako 1 as a D and then stretched them to fit. (I think that was their original intent.) but I bought Mako's as an EE. If you're a Reebok D then you're a Mako EE - assuming you're wearing a modern Reebok skate. The Mako IIs are much truer in width. i.e. a Mako II 9D is closer to everyone else's 9D when trying on. I went from Mako 1 EE width to Mako II D and the Mako II were still a little wider than my Mako 1.
  2. http://pro-filer.com/rivetrepair/
  3. A question on Mako steel. I have been skating for over a year on Makos and just picked up Mako IIs. The steel profile is quite a bit different, especially the heels and toes of the blades. On the Makos they heels and toes were shaved quite a bit, while on the IIs they're much flatter. Perhaps along the way, the heels and toes were shaved from sharpening, but it seems like a lot unless they were done intentionally (they weren't) I had the feeling that the pitch was different and a lot more bite of the Mako II blades on my first skate. Anyone else notice a profile difference on the steel of Mako vs. Mako IIs? I'm going to try swapping steel and playing tomorrow to see if that changes the feeling of the skates on the ice, but for now, I prefer the original Makos.
  4. FWIW, it looks like Julie Chu is skating on Mako 2s in Sochi.
  5. Directly from Step when I inquired a week ago: "We are still in the process of making runners for the new Easton Mako skates. We believe they will be available to public early spring."
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