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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by wyckoffplaya15

  1. wyckoffplaya15

    Nike Apollo

    Product- Nike Appollo, 102 flex, lemuix curve right Subject- 5'8" 150 lbs. Inital- This stick is not bad at all. I it very light for not a brand hockey name stick. I was looking for a back-up stick for my Si-Core, i bought a M-1 and its horrible. The weight was terrible compared to the Si-Core. I was looking for something light and durable. It turned out to be perfect, and without a long taper if i break it i can turn it into a 2 piece. Flex- Probably the worst thing about this stick. It is very stiff. I use a 110 flex SiCore and that has less flex then this stick so. 5/10 StickHandling/Shooting- Because or the stiff flex my slapshot was not really up to par. Being a defencemen this didnt help, but my wrist shot was wicked. Stick handling was a breze. Toe drags were easier and i pulled of my first ever mighigan move when :D when i thought some1 stole my si-core but i just misplaced it 9/10 Weight- Not bad at all. Not as light as a TPS xn10 but not far away, judging that my si-core is 450 grams this stick is about 480-500 grams but the balance is very good. It evens out at about where you put your lower hand. 8/10 Durability- Very very nice. Used in one game but i always get slashed and hooked, after the game saw no sign at all of wear. Overall- 8.5/10 looking for a nice stick under $100 definetly give this stick a try.
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