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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Dougie8

  1. Yeah, nothing wrong with those at all. It's pretty hard to mess up a colour scheme like that though.

    Normally I don't like the numbers on the front but on that style of jersey with the name written across the chest, I think the numbers look good on the front.

  2. pttf, you wish.

    Here's some more. RBK 7V


    another angle

    And these beauties.

    Looks exactly like my R.Rypien 7V*. I'd say it's dead on, mine's maybe a bit less curve at the heel.

    Edit: Sorry guys.. slow internet wouldn't load that last picture I missed to delete.

  3. And all of you need yo come down for that stick it is awful bottom line, u will never find that cheap trash in my hand, you are a pure bender if u use that

    Not really certain what/who you are trying to call a "bender"? What stick were you talking about?

  4. They had a retail Sakic S17 at the sale!?

    and it looks like all of Edler's XXXX gloves ended up with MSHers = P

    When I went on Friday, most of the S17s and Synergy SEs that were being brought out were retail patterns (Lidstrom, Sakic, Forsberg).

    No sorry guys. Those weren't just from the sale, thats my entire stick collection.

  5. I'm more impressed he had that gear before the actual sale. :lol:

    Employees of GM get in the day before. So I'm assuming he's an employee.

    Might as well post pics of my stuff now.




    top to bottom: A.Miller Response Lite, S17 Sakic, SE Sakic, Ryder One90, Dolo shaft w/ PS Park blade, Mueller RM19, Rafalski VHex grip, x2 J.Hansen Sickick, 7V* R. Rypien Sickick

    Few pairs of gloves:


    XXX's, Pro stock Edler XXXX's

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