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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by sjs0433

  1. Really looking forward to trying these out. Hopefully will make my game tonight to give them a go. I'm going to see how they are right out of the box with no bake. If all goes well I'll just break them in the old fashion way. I'm hoping they feel good quick given I'm already skating in essentially the same boot.

    I was on the edge about buying all new wheels but have been wanting to try the rinkrats so I caved and just got a full set. I've been skating on a mix of grip+ addictions and RPGs which has worked ok but I think at 74a the RPGs are really too soft for me. I'm hoping to pick up some speed with these not only from proper hardness but also moving from hi-lo to the hum'er frame.


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  2. I did use a shim in the rear to give my heel a little lift. Felt back on my heels when I had them done. I didn't use one with my Supreme conversion on the same chassis though. I think the only reason I used it was because I mounted the chassis a little too far forward. I prefer to have the chassis mounted back a little so that I'm more over my toes. Just personal preference.

  3. You'll want to have the center line of the wheels fall where the original runner lay. To me this is the most tedious part. I'm not sure if it has to be exact as I try to make it but I'm really OCD so I take a lot of extra caution to make sure it ends up being perfect.

    Here are a couple pics I found of the X5.0s I had done previously. It was a super light and stiff skate which I liked but my foot just can't do the Vapor boot shape.



    I got started on my Supreme One.8 setup that will be replacing my One80 setup. Those will be retired to outdoor/backup for now on. I'm hoping it isn't too awkward having the old pair on a hi-lo chassis and the new ones on a Hum'er frame. After trying the Alkali skates I've been sold on the straight frame. I'm really excited to give these a run. Now I'm just trying to decide what I want to do for wheels. I've been wanting to give the RinkRat splits a try so I might make the jump vs the Addiction/RPG setup I'm on now.

    I'm also hoping that making the channel in the boot for the second wheel isn't too much work. I know tons of guys have done it vs. using lifts.


  4. Found a shop online with brand new 2012 model hum'er frames for $50 so I snagged one. I have to get a few more rivets out and then my boots will be ready for the new frames when they come in. If this goes well I might order an extra frame to keep on hand for a future pair.

    When I tried out my alkali skates I was really happy with the way the all 80 wheel setup felt so I'm eager to have these done. If I get lucky the frame will show before the weekend and I can get them done before a game next week.

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  5. Currently looking for a fair priced labeda hum'er frame to mount on my one.8s that will be here Wednesday. I'm looking forward to a fresh pair of skates.

    I agree with above that you really have to like this because it's not a quick process at all and you need to be pretty meticulous if doing it yourself to make sure things end up identical for both skates. The reward is worth it though.

  6. For the reasons above is why you typically don't see too many conversions done on skates that don't have a composite outsole. I know it's been done a bunch of times but it's not exactly ideal.

    I just ordered a fresh pair of last years Supreme one.8's that I'll be converting in the near future. Have to thank 4th of July sales. That is what I'm skating on now and it's the only skate I've tried that feels like it truly fits my foot. I'm currently using a mission hi-lo chassis but I'm really tempted to make a jump to a Labeda hum'er frame. I'm trying to decide if I think it's really worth it or just try and find a magnesium hi-lo. I've skated a couple times in an all 80mm wheel frame and definitely liked it a lot. None of the weird feeling that a lot of people report.

  7. I'll have to give it a shot. When I pull the insoles and stand on them compared to my current skates they appear to be identical in terms of length. I used to skate with doubled up socks and didn't have problems. I had recently gotten back down to a single pair and wanted that to work for these. I might go back to doubled and see how it goes.

  8. I think the size is ok. I could have maybe gone down half a size but I feel like they would have been really scrunched. All I know is that they don't fit me quite like my other skates. I actually have them on ebay now but haven't had any bites. Great deal to be had for someone. I'm bad at jumping the gun on trying new stuff.

  9. So I'm not sure if I'm going to end up keeping these skates or going back to a converted Bauer Supreme skate. While the shape of heel pocket is right for my foot I'm getting blisters on the inside of my heel on both feet although the left foot is a lot worse. Not sure if there is anything there I can bake out of them to fix the problem. It's obvious my foot is squirming around a little too much in that spot.

    I've also considered just keeping them and maybe being the first to put the chassis on a different pair of skates. It's a nice chassis with good wheels and bearings it might just be worth keeping for that.

  10. ^I was hoping you were going to say the one in Sterling, VA. I'm down in Richmond and it's the closest big hockey store to me. I did the last conversion myself and haven't had any issues at all after 6 months.

    Hoping to be back in here soon with some new skates. I had recently picked up a set of the Alkali shift skates and while they skate really nice the heel area is giving me problems already. I took a gamble on these and lost. I've got them up on ebay and hoping to move quick so I can get back in something that works. If I can't get my money back out of them I might yank the frame off and keep it.

    This is my current setup that has been working pretty nicely. Supreme one80's, Hi-lo vanguard frame, Labeda RPGs up front, Addictions out back, Bones Reds bearings.


    I bought the boots off ebay for real cheap several months ago and got lucky that the Supreme line is perfect for my foot. These were pretty well used when I got them so I just really want a fresh pair. Plus after skating the Alkali's I'm sold on the straight frame. I felt like I had much better pickup with the all 80s. I'm going to start keeping an eye out for some new one.7s or one.8s. I'm planning to just grab last years closeout stuff.

  11. Yeah. I'll have to try that. I didn't touch them all game. If I go too much more I'll have to shorten the laces. I'm using all the eyelets and have them wrapped around my ankle and they are still too long.

    One other thing I noticed that might just take some time is I had a puck behind me I was trying to reach for and almost felt like the forward lean of the skates was really working against me from being able to grab it.

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