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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Hello there, I notice these ultrasonics seem to have a higher instep height than other skates just from looking at the boot. Is it actually the case? In all retail skates so far instep is a big problem for me; top of my feet get compressed and toes become numb
  2. Yes i have a high arch as well but never felt like i needed any support (maybe im wrong). So far the retail 10D are serving me much better than other skates. I created more depth by removing the stock insoles and replacing them with a super thin rubber insole. I'm working on getting a thinner tongue which should help as well. I saw this beauty for sale which might fix the width issue, C/AA skates. Do you guys think being pro-stock these could could have different (lower? instep height?) :
  3. yes i actually have skate lace extenders in stock from other skates. I'll actually try them lower on the boot on top of the arch see how it works out
  4. For now Im skating on FT1s and replaced the thick ccm insoles with super thin rubber insoles, which lowered my foot into the skate and fixed part of the issue. The standard CCM tongue is super thick so changing it might help too, do you have any thin tongue suggestions? from my understanding it seems swapping tongues requires unsowing and sowing new tongues on these older CCMs.. thank you very much for the input
  5. Hello, I'm currently skating in non-custom true skates. Love these skates with the stiff boot and low cut but i always feel a lot of pressure in top of my instep. Doesn't cause any pain but is enough to slow blood flow in this area and my toes get numb real quick which is a problem especially when playing outdoors. Is there currently a skate on the market that has a high instep, meaning the eyelets over this area are quite high from the bottom of the boot so to speak; allowing for the skate to wrap the foot correctly instead of clamping the foot with pressure on top. If that helps my feet are quite narrow. Currently fitting well in jetspeeds or ribcors D/A but would be better in D/AA if i could. I guess going full custom would solve the issue but I'm curious if you had any suggestions before I drop 1300$ + on skates. I remember graf offering specific models for this issue but I guess thats not an option anymore Thank you very much.
  6. thanks for the replies. I ended up getting them baked, no difference in comfort but the responsiveness is much better. Felt like I had an extra spring in the legs. They're still quite easy to put on, not too hard to remove either so I'm probably rebaking them with shrink wrap
  7. Hello, This is also posted on another forum but im curious to hear your opinion : I just bought brand new True skates (size 10.5 Johansen, not custom fit), this year's model with the trigger holder. The felt really good in store, even untied they felt really good and snug so I opted not to have them baked. Tried them the same day and they felt really good, contact with the ice felt very solid thanks to the true holder and the bite on the ice was unbelievable thanks to step steel, even on 1' sharpening. Coming from VH skates with Tuuk edge + LS3, the pitch took me a while to adapt.. I hard a hard time to start strides on my heels at first. Anyway do you think it would be ill-advised not to bake true skates for some particular reason? Thank you.
  8. Just tried on VH skates for the first time.. to make a long story short im never skating in anything other than VH skates. The skates are pro stock 2nd gen VH (not True's) with tuuk 288mm edge holders and ls3 steel. Seller told me he used 2015 vapor 1x 10ds and they felt similar, which is exactly what i use so i bought them. They were INCREDIBLY HARD to put on but once inside i felt i could skate without laces on. The composite part of the boot on these is unbelievably stiff (probably much thicker than my 1x skates, explaining the weight), and the eyelet part is a little softer. As soon as i jumped on the ice I felt I could get on my edges very easily without ''thinking'' about my skating so to speak. Starts and crossovers felt more natural and responsive. Every aspect of my skating felt improved. I think the boot having a low cut and being very stiff + it's agressive wrapping around the foot explain this. They fit exactly like my 10d vapors but weirdly under the insoles its written SW9416ST, and the number 9 is written alone somewhere else under the insoles. Has anybody tried all 3 versions of this skate? I'm debating buying the first generation as backup (written VH footwear on the side) because theres a decent pair on ebay but im not sure its as good. I've heard the new trues aren't as stiff but maybe easier to put on? read a lot of pages but not all this thread, any info appreciated
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