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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. They do feel that way. It's gonna be a major bummer when I have to upgrade to the mako 2's!
  2. That's what I was thinking too. I bought them from a guy who got them from a rep, but sold them because he didn't want to "break them in" (jokes on him right?) They feel wayyy better than my first pair for whatever reason... #mysterymakos
  3. UPDATE: Here's a picture of my old pair of Mako 1's and a picture of the new pair: I just realized there's also more material on the quarter around the eyelets and the side orange stripes are different on the new ones... Anybody else have a newer pair of Mako 1's that look like the 2nd photo?
  4. I'll get some side by side pictures when I get my old pair back from the LHS, but initial things I noticed were: 1. They molded much much better (could've just been a bad bake job on my first pair). The hot spots I had to hit with a heat gun on my first pair weren't a problem at all on the new ones. 2. They're cut a little higher, maybe 1/4" tops. But the high ankle padding that causes everyone mako bumps is a little higher on the new pair than on the old pair. 3. There's a gasket between the holder and the boot on the rear tower on the new pair, which wasn't there on my old pair. 4. The inside face of the steel is screen printed with "+3SB" The new pair also seems to be a little stiffer and the tongue seems to have a little more padding but that could just be from wear and tear on the old ones. I'll try and get some pictures up in the next few days.
  5. Does anybody know the revision history of the Mako 1's? I just picked up a second pair, and I'm noticing some interesting (yet subtle) changes.
  6. The CXN holder has a 2 degree forward pitch angle and the ES4 Steel has 1 degree of forward pitch making the Mako's +3. Don't know of a website though
  7. Took one to the inside of the boot, near the heel this morning at pickup. Only took me outta the game for a few minutes but those few minutes were not very fun.
  8. Couple of months on my mako's and I haven't had any issues. Usually wearing Bauer Core socks with the occasional barefoot skate. I'm curious as to how many people with the "mako bump" issue have taken a heat gun to them and rolled out the top. For me, my mako's were unbearable to skate in until I pressed out some hot spots using the heat gun; now they fit like butter!
  9. Thanks! I ended going at them with the heat gun and using the handle of a screwdriver to punch the spot out. Here's a picture for anyone that might have the same problem.
  10. I've got an enormous accessory navicular on both feet (blew the LHS guys mind when he punched out my supremes), and while these molded to my foot ridiculously well, they're causing a good amount of pain after about half an hour. It happens a lot quicker if I have to walk in them. Does anyone know if you can stand in these during baking, or would I just be better off hitting them with the heat gun more? The damn bone sticks out further than my ankles! Other than that, these things are great.
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