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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. From what I've seen, there are obvious differences in the technology of the Warrior helmets. That was my point in mentioning the Reebok/CCM helmets that are nearly identical getting such differing scores, being that even a small change in design can have a large impact on results.
  2. I mean that either the testing by Virginia Tech is not very precise or that changing one small part of a helmet can have a large effect on how it performs during the test. In a nutshell, either it's imperfect testing, development, or a combination of factors. I mean that either the testing by Virginia Tech is not very precise or that changing one small part of a helmet can have a large effect on how it performs during the test. In a nutshell, either it's imperfect testing, development, or a combination of factors.
  3. Yeah... Somehow the CCM Fitlite is ranked much lower than the Reebok 11k even thought they're almost exactly the same helmet. Just goes to show that dealing with helmet protectiveness is no perfect science. Also, the CCM FL80 and Reebok 7k (not to mention the disparity between the 7k and 8k) show a similar difference, even though they are almost identical, down to the gel pads being the only difference.
  4. Just noticed in a locker room interview that Ryan Miller's got the VH goalie skates. More good publicity for VH in a big Canadian market!
  5. If it's bad enough, I know there are sweat bands that you stick into hockey helmets to help eliminate the sweat. I understand what you mean though, and everyone will have a different experience with each helmet on the market.
  6. I'm in the exact opposite boat, but at least they'll still offer both for the foreseeable future.
  7. I'm curious to see whether this STAR system will be applied to goalie masks. I read somewhere that the NHL might try to force goaltenders to wear only certified masks in the coming season, even though many wear custom molded ones that are arguably more protective. So, in theory, they could test a molded mask versus a stock, certified mask and see which performs "better." Goalie masks do not only have to protect from puck impacts (which have been tested extensively), but also the occasional hit from a stick, player, etc. It will be interesting since hockey has two distinctly different types of headgear for different positions, which is not the same for football.
  8. The RE-AKT 100 release date is August 15th (as posted above by JR)
  9. So it isn't clear, but it appears the A6.0 has a tapered shaft and blade. Is this in fact the case?
  10. Do you guys in the know have the exact release date of the RE-AKT 100 helmet? Earlier you were saying summer some time, but I'm guessing there's an exact date now...
  11. I like the look, technology, and price of the Resistance helmet. Like others, can wait to try it. JR (or anyone else), do you know the MSRP of the Resistance Combo?
  12. Yeah, I know that no helmet, maybe no helmet ever will be able to provide absolute protection or even 80% or 90% protection, so I always look for scientific testing to prove safety, not just marketing hype. That's why I want to see what the CCM Resistance is all about considering Reebok-CCM has been working with the University of Ottawa to deal with rotational impacts. If Bauer showed evidence with more detail than in the past that their helmets are by far the safest, then I'll pay the premium, but without, it'll be tough to pay that much. Great, just what I wanted to hear
  13. I'm getting the impression that the original RE-AKT will remain at the $199.99 price point and not go down in price, correct? Even the original RE-AKT's price point is a bit steep, but if it protects just as well as is claimed (and I'm not arguing against that), then it's worth it for the protection. Also, I think one reason the RE-AKT 100 is $60 more is because you can customize it and it's made in NY, not Thailand like some of their other models. Who knows, maybe Easton's next helmet will still have the $299.99 price point like the R800 was going to have and maybe the CCM Resistance will surpass the $200 or even $300 mark as well. Like others have said, if the consumer will pay a premium for protection, they'll keep selling them at a premium.
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