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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    bauer one80
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    tps r10

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  1. ok, i'll stick with 100/50 because i do not want more bite.
  2. i read this wrong JR. i thought you said "you need" so good thing i re-read that.
  3. those pics dont help either. how can a blade with that much of a cut be on the less bite side?
  4. i would be interested in trying the 90/75 but the picture makes it look like it has wicked edges. why is that?
  5. yeah, i thought so. i just wanted to make sure. so, if i wanted a little less bite than the 100/50, which is the cut to get? that FBV chart is pretty confusing.
  6. just baked and sharpened new skates yesterday. went with 100/50 as usual. they were a little sharp today but since i only sharpened my other skates once in the last year, it was to be expected. the guy at total hockey told me that if i wanted to come back and get a new cut with less bite, they do not cross grind the steel. they just run the skate over the other bit. is this true? they're the only place around philly doing FBV.
  7. so i got to try out my 2nd FBV sharpening last night and the left skate was off. it didnt have much grip from mid blade to heel. balls of feet seemed ok. standing still on the ice, my left foot could slide out to the left without really putting any weight on it. so any fast, straight ahead starts were slippery to say the least. turns were ok but there was a huge difference from what i had before this sharpening. so i got by but i want to get it fixed. this is Total Hockey in Exton PA. since i am not an expert, i assume i should always have the levels checked? i didnt do that since the first cut was great. different guy this time tho. is there anything else to look for? will a skate stay vertical on a flat surface if the levels are right?
  8. I went in for my 2nd FBV sharpening today. I asked about cross grinding first and the guy said no. He said he dresses the wheel but cross grinding each time will wear down the steel too fast. So is that right?
  9. i went from 9/16 to 100/50 and love it. good bite with good speed and very easy to slide sideways without any grabbing. i find it hard to believe that the 1/2 ROH would compare best to 100/50. it was always too deep for me.
  10. Ok, so if I switch from 100/50 to 90/75 I'll get what?
  11. I have been using 100/50 for a little while now and like it so far. One thing I still don't get is the chart they provide. How can the 90/75 be on the less bite side of the chart with that deep cut.
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