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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About JagrBombs

  • Birthday 09/12/1986


  • Skates
    Easton EQ50
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 11K
  • Elbow Pads
    Easton ST16
  • Shoulder Pads
    Easton ST16
  • Pants
  • Helmet
    Easton S17
  • Gloves
    TPS R8
  • Stick
    Reebok 11K

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  • Interests
    Hockey, BMWs, Military
  • Location
    Charleston, WV, USA
  • Gender

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  • Yahoo
  1. Holy crap, I'd be broke if I went through a spinner a wheel. I have a slew of spinners but generally only use three: 95/75, 100/1 and 5/8. I've probably gone through 20 wheels each on the 95/75 and the 5/8, and I only recently replaced the 5/8 because I figured after nearly four years, it was about time. It still sharpened just fine. Not to mention, I was extremely hard on the spinners at first due to a misaligned arbor that I didn't diagnose properly for two years.
  2. Hey guys. I've been a lurker for a while, but this is my first post. I've read through much of this topic, but likely haven't read every post on the 115 pages so I apologize if any of this is repetitious. I just bought a new X-02 from Blackstone. I ordered with it a 1/2" ROH spinner, as well as a 95/75 spinner (with advice from this board, and I personally really like the cut). I, personally, am very happy with the quality and build of the sharpener. I have been sharpening my own skates for a couple of years with a large Blademaster, and now that I've figured out the differences in the holder and Bat-Gauge from what I was used to, I am able to put a good, level, polished edge on a runner just as fast and easily as I could the biggun'. I'd also like to comment on the Bat-Gauge. I don't know if they've updated the design recently of anything, but I personally much prefer it to the Blademaster Pro Square that is used at my rink. I really like that it is more easily used with one hand. The only thing I can see that might throw people off is that you really need to flip one end of the part that touches the edge with your finger to make sure it's set properly on the edges. Doing that, I get pretty much the exact same readings on the Pro Square as on the Bat Gauge, and I don't have to fumble with two different pieces. Anyway, my &.02. I would not discourage anyone from getting the Bat Gauge. Anyway, like I said above, I have one FBV and one ROH spinner. Ideally I'd like to have a variety of at least 4 spinners each to choose from. With ROH I'll probably go with 3/8, 5/8 and 3/4, along with the 1/2" I have. What FBV cuts would you recommend for the same kind of variety? (Edit) and yes, I know there are several cuts available equivalent to each ROH (bite-wise), but I just want to dumb it down a little so if someone tells me, "woah, that's too much, man," I can dial it back a tad and visa versa. Thanks
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