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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Thanks for the tips. I'm going to give the 100/50 another try - and then see how it goes (and try the 95/75 next time if I still feel the same way about wanting just a little more bite).
  2. Do you recall if there was a tangible difference in the glide/transitioning between the two? I know there are several factors that also come into play (quality of the ice, etc) but I'm just trying to gauge if I should stick with the 100/50 (at least for one more round of sharpening) or jump to something with a more aggressive bite. During my game on Sunday I wouldn't say that I felt unstable while turning - I just wonder if they could be a bit "crisper".
  3. Looking for a little extra info/wisdom/advise... I recently got a 100/50 sharpening (along with an 8/12 profiling and medium forward pitch). So far, after a couple of games and a couple of clinics, I am really enjoying the extra glide and ease of transitions, as well as some added (or at least perceived) improvement in balance with the new profile. I *think* I am lacking a little in the bite department. Sometimes when I push off it does not seem like I am getting all that I can from the push and on some tight crossovers I get some slippage on the X-push (from the outside edge of the inside skate...the inside edge of the outside skate grips/bites very well however). It can't be ruled out that it is all technique on my part - I'm fairly new (been playing only two years) and still need to get more consistent with a good skating posture and knee bend. I am curious from those who used a 100/50 if perhaps switching to something like a 95/75 would help out? From the charts it looks like the angle is supposed to be the same but maybe the fact that the edge is taller would make it a better fit? I will say that I am quite enjoying the glide and especially the ease of backwards/forwards transitions...and I wouldn't want to compromise those too greatly...if possible. I should also mention that I came from a 1/2" hollow before (currently about 5'10" and 170lbs). I can see what the charts say in terms of bite/glide/grip...I was just hoping to get some anecdotal information before sending things in for my next sharpening. Thanks!
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