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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. After a long run on my W11 curve, i finaly found something way diferent but it is my new curve and i love it so much. It´s a True TC1 curve. they sell it as an Ovi curve but it´s far away from it. Aaaaaand Hockeymonkey sells them for 179$ with another 30% discount. Lucky Me!!!!!
  2. Yeah i wrote them a email but still waiting for a aswer.
  3. I asked Cannon ant they just offer the P08 and this curve is so wide away from the kremlin. even the whole 28 stuff is closer to the kremlin. busch from swiss told me that this curve is just sick and they dont even have something close. well, i guess i stick with my easton e28. the stealth c7.0 that i play right now is not bad at all.
  4. Warrior told me that: Andreas, the Kremlin curve was discontinued a couple years ago and is no longer available. It may be available again in the future if/when we reopen the custom stick program. Cannon only has the P08 Ovechkin curve!
  5. I did play the P08 on a Total One when they came out and right now ill play the E28 on a Easton Stealth CX. It's ok but not even close to the W11 or the E38! I was hoping they bring them back but i guess i have to go with all the 28 cuves :-/
  6. Im from Germany and i had this curve for a long time but now i cant find it anymore! I know that Easton has it as E38 but never found a E38 at the shops or the web! I hobe someone can help me
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