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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme One.6
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 7k
  • Elbow Pads
    Reebok 6k
  • Shoulder Pads
    Reebok 6k
  • Pants
    Bauer One40
  • Helmet
    Bauer 7500
  • Gloves
    Bauer Vapor Pros
  • Stick
    Bauer Apx

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  1. No tech support/ services for Microsoft office (already have it), when I was talking to the IT guy he said there might be "discipline" aka detention but no one knows...
  2. They came up with a BS excuse how the wifi wouldn't work with it and that we would not be able to see files...Using Parallels and downloading windows would have been good enough but nooooooo. I've now placed every apple related sticker i could on it, my desktop wallpaper slide show is the classic apple style with galaxies, animals, and nature stuff directly copied from a wallpaper site. Guess what my home page is...apple's website...etc. etc.
  3. When your school forces you to buy a PC laptop when you have a perfectly good Mac book already...
  4. To be honest...he is my favorite...he doesn't BS you through the class and you actually learn stuff. He gets mad real quick...probably because he is one of the head football coaches.
  5. I should of added that she has the voice of a how do I put it...a chipmunk and voice cracks extremely high every sentence...
  6. Haven't been on here for awhile but now that the season is starting to pick up I found myself back on here. Venting starts now...Literally I am so fed up and pissed at my algebra teacher. I cant stand how she gives you a test every 3 classes or so with 7-10 problems on. Sounds easy right? Apparently not and it's not just me. The thing that gets me is even if you get one wrong...it's not possible to get an A. Don't get me wrong...I'm not stupid, it's an honors class but really? I have trouble maintaining a B+ in her class and due to how the math program our school has I have to make an A in the class so next year I can double up and eventually be able to take full calculus for senior year. I also study my ass off for the big chapter test and like everybody else in the class I sit there with my anxious and panicy self and just lock up...FML
  7. Now I'm even more pissed off about my stupid injury... Since highschool hockey is now over they now have started to have stick and puck...I've been waiting months dammit!
  8. She has seen me go to stick and puck, while we weren't doing a scrimmage. I was just taking some shots. As I went to an open house at my future high school we met the hockey coach. I told him (with my mother there) that I would like to play but not competitively. In fact they have a "JV" team that is no hitting which is ice time twice a week and one game a week. I think she was interested in this and wants me to go to the summer practices and so does the coach. I thinking I'm winning her over a bit but cant be entirely sure
  9. I thought pick-up games were only for adults or for kids that are 16 that sign a waver?
  10. I have paid for all of my equipment except my skates, and not cheap equipment either. I'm looking at getting a part time job somewhere also. I always have mowed the lawn, and it's getting back to season again also.
  11. Thanks for the complement of my writing, guess my english teacher is pretty good. Answering your first question, no my parents are not separated. To see if my facts straight, yeah I guess they pretty much are. I've focused on telling my mom that if anything I'd just want to play anything it would be house. As my love for hockey has grown, basketball and soccer have been settled down in my mind and my determination even with a broken wrist has grown to even more stick handling and running than ever. I know my mothers number one fear is me getting hurt if I played competitively but like said before here I am with a broken wrist from soccer, yes soccer. My house league is no-check for sure, so I guess I'll follow up on her asking her later in time so I might be able to get into a summer league. Thanks for the advice.
  12. Alright so I find it quite funny on how my first post on the forums is a vent, but I just need to let it out... So a week ago I apparently broke my wrist. At first thought it was just a sprain but after 3 days of subtle pain i finally went to the doc and the bad news came in. Out for 3 more weeks. I believe the hardest part about it is simply that I'm in a cast during spring break = zero stick and puck or playing for me, which is pretty hard to get at my rinks. Of course they have the ice open when my wrist is broken. Now don't get me wrong i still go on public ice time and skate but it's just not the same without equipment and is just a plain out pain. Not to mention how boring it is to go into continuos circles over, and over, and over again... 2nd vent... So I've probably been playing on and off for about 6 years of my life. Yup I'm still a kid. 13 coming up on 14 soon. I go to stick and pucks and open ice as much as I can and we generally play scrimmages. My dad is a veteran hockey player literally played all his life. My issue now is that my mother doesn't want me to play in a league. Not even in house. Of course my Dad wants me to play, he's all for it. Not to sound like a cocky kid, I'm not the best...no one is. I've had multiple competitive coaches asking me what team I play for and constantly I have to say I don't play on a team. Next is would you like to play? And of course I say yes. Next is would you like to come and practice with us once...and I have to say no...just because my mother doesn't want me to play. I believe I have practically convinced her on me playing house or in a summer league this year but. I'm still a skeptic if she'll follow through... Any suggestions?
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