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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I purchased some Edge holders with LS3 steel in them from a Bauer dealer in Australia and had them fitted to my Nexus 1000's, the runners have been slightly loose in the holders from day one, I've been skating on them for a few months and they haven't seemed to get any worse.
  2. Is it correct that a Supreme EE is a true EEE and a Nexus EE is a true EEEE? when I tried on a retail EE in both the Nexus and Supreme the Supreme felt slightly wider in the forefoot area. If I want customs to fit like a retail Nexus EE but with a narower heel I would want EEEE/A is this correct? Also, I need to move the top 3 eyelets out about 1/4" on the inside (medial) side of the skate as my ankle bones are too close to the eyelets and also need to move the top 3 eyelets in on the outside (lateral) side of the skate. What is the correct way to state this on the order form? increase/decrease lacing? add/remove material? move eyelets in/out etc? how would I get this across clearly?
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