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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Dupes

  1. My helmets...I think I have a problem lol

    My g/f owns 3 of them in there.


    I see someone has been to Kevin Smith's in Vermont. Didn't realize that they were selling the UVM 9500's.

    I actually bought it on ebay, last time I drove down to Kevin Smith's, they didnt have anything special :(

  2. Dont the Habs sell stuff at the Bell Center? I was there a few years ago and they had a rack of older game used sticks at the shop by the box office.

    What they used to have was VERY limited....the new store is supposed to be expanded. I didn't get in there last I went.

    Next sale will be held in Brossard, date to be confirmed soon.

  3. how did you end up liking the velocity steel?

    I actually like them a lot.

    I broke one though, but it happens, just som,e bad luck.

    They sent me another set very quickly.

    I am now trying out some X Blades on my U+, only skated 1 hour in them so far so its hard to compare.

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