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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Caihlen

  1. Drafted my C league team for this season, and I'm very stoked.

    4 REALLY good skaters I never expected to be able to pull all 4, one of them helped me coach our rookie group last season.

    3 insane ladies who can outdrink all of us and are an absolute hoot both on and off the ice.

    3 of our rookies from last season, and I'm stoked that my friend and I both get to be on the ice with them this fall. 2 of our other rookies are playing C league and they're on the same team with a friend of mine as Captain.

    Took a chance on 2 new guys, hopefully they like us!

    First game Tuesday night.

    I love hockey, and I really love our local beer league!!

    And man am I chuffed to be on your team with all those great players!!!!!

    • Like 1

  2. 1 month left until I take the MCAT and I am starting to get burned out. 5-7 hours of studying every night after work is tiring. Not to mention I have so much more to review. Beginning to feel overwhelmed and my confidence/morale is slowly declining....... :(

    Chin up laddie, always darkest before the dawn and all that. You'll do fine. Stop for a minute, fill your canteen, take a drink, shoulder your pack and keep going. You can do it.

    • Like 4

  3. That's apparently common for Americans...who play baseball before much else. You see a lot of American-born NHL players who are right-handed and shoot right, LH/shoot left.

    More Canadian and European players are right-handed/shoot left or left-handed/shoot right, since they don't grow up with the baseball paradigm.

    I tried starting right, and am VERY right-handed, but never played much baseball, so I was always finding myself putting my right hand on top of the stick when goofing off on the pond. I went lefty when started playing and haven't looked back.

    Sort of the same, but different. Played baseball as a youth and in high school. Throw right catch left. Right eye dominant shooter. Throw right lacrosse, shoot left hockey. First stick I ever had was left and it felt great, with my right hand on top. Found out later on that there were other options!

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  4. Never listen to naysayers. I'm 54 going on 14 and I took the game up last year. I skated in a tournament and a recreational league this spring after taking a adult beginner skills course last winter. I start c league in about 6 weeks. I have a ball and although I'm not highly skilled or anything, I'm learning all the time and am a reasonably effective grinder.....DO IT!!!!

    • Like 3

  5. Oldest daughter (01) texted me this morning, "Dad, I decided I want to play hockey again."I about did a backflip.She injured her shoulder midway through the 13-14 season, wrecked it in volleyball, spent that summer getting her rehabbed, wrecked it in volleyball again, took last season off from both hockey and club volleyball..chiropractor determined that she has bad posture (not pulling her shoulders back, muscles atrophied...leaving her shoulder in bad alignment when serving), so after a few adjustments and some posture fixes, she's feeling about 98% again."I miss hockey and I miss my hockey friends".I love what hockey has done for my girls--athletically, mentally, physically, emotionally. All of it.Now I need to post a corresponding post in the Venting Spot about my wife. :(

    Good counterpoint to your vent Bruh.....

    • Like 2

  6. My wife is anti-hockey.It consumes our winters, my girls and I love it.I love the way it makes me feel, I am in better shape at 40 than I was at 30.I love what it does for our girls, physically, mentally, athletically, socially.My wife doesn't have any hobbies (besides baking and watching reality TV). She says she misses adult interaction, having girl friends, and laments not being in shape.Duh, I wish she could see that hockey would be a great solution.For my wife, hockey is cold, boring, and a lot of work (volunteering for our girls hockey association)..for my adult games, I just show up, pay, and play.My wife doesn't play, despite my efforts to involve her.I ran the adult beginner program last year. She came twice, it was too late and too cold.There is a local novice womens league...they play slow, and for fun. She won't try it.One of her best college friends plays in a novice womens league about 2h away; I told her maybe she could get my wife into it.That put my wife over the top. (I shouldn't have done that)She and the mother of my younger daughter's best friend were talking about how they planned to talk the girls out of hockey. WTF?Time for a Come-To-Jesus meeting.I hate Come-To-Jesus meetings.I have to fix my own fuckups (both real and the ones she perceives) before I can ask her to straighten her own shit out.Been married 18 years. Seems like we do this on a 4-5 year cycle, and the last big donnybrook was about 4.5 years ago, so I guess we're due. :(


  7. Brother, I just came in to post the same thing...but I missed 2 of the last 4 weeks for my river trip. Sunday was my last day on skates at the Missoula tourney. My gear is washed and dry and packed away, and it dawned on me that I still wish I was playing.COME ON SEPTEMBER 2nd!!I posted a pic of our "Not So Elite" team in the "Pics of you playing hockey" thread.Amy H said you improved a lot just during CoRec. :)C league is not going to be that fast, but getting your brain working "faster" in those faster games really helps when you return to your "regular" league.

    Great pics! That's high praise indeed coming from Amy! And I can't agree more regarding skating with faster players. It really makes a guy keep his head up if nothing else!

  8. it really burns me up thinking that someone would find that as a fair exchange to do that and they lknow its wrong enough to use the block option on their iphone. Because i'm not gonna see you again in our 4 rinks nearby? You're correct, some people are.

    Well, he'll be needing to keep his head up eh?

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