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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Caihlen

  1. Dead stock mako 1, stock step steel runners from Amazon, because I was curious I pulled the stock easton runners out and held them up to the step steel for comparison and to my eye,mouth the bolt holes lined up the skating edges matched. i was surprise because I think I read somewhere in this thread that they were different.....

  2. Up to this point the discussion has focused on the 3 star helmet and fitting issues. Hypothetically, what would you do if you had one of the helmets that was rated a 0? Would you, based on the data that is available as of this instant, go out and buy a 2 star rated helmet? I only mention 2 star because in a perfunctory search, Warrior Krown 360's have suddenly become very scarce.

  3. I really need a change of scenery. I've honestly never felt so alone before. I am so busy with school that I hardly have anytime to work (which means I literally have no money). I am grateful for my parents being able to help me out (free lodging), but because I have no money, I'm pretty much isolated to my house. I take my MCAT in September and then send my primary applications to my target schools. Hopefully I am out of here in the months that follow that. I'm miserable.

    Chin up. Positive vibes will get you through. Go for a run.

    • Like 2

  4. The Mozart (Requiem) went beautifully this morning, although there's still some hiccups to be ironed out before next week. The choir and the congregation had a wonderful musical "Moment" at the end of service, singing Amazing Grace acapella as the final hymn. I'm reminded why I love singing so much.

    Our director was so pleased with us as we ran through everything in the morning, she said, "You sound great, I could've had call 15 minutes later." (cue rumblings from the choir - call was at 8:30am for a 10am service.)

    As a musician I totally get this. Musical "moments" are so rare and special.... Good for you.

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  5. 2: Slashing. Battling in the corner and the guy had body position and I had to chip the puck past him so I swung at it like an axe (you know the motion, when you're really reaching just hoping to get a piece of the puck). Actually got puck but hit stick too.2: unsportsmanlike. Told the ref this league was a f**king joke, bulls**t call, yadda yadda.10: abuse of official. Told the ref to go f**k himself, called him an a**hole, after he decided he was going to start talking back after the unsportsmanlike.We found out just before the game that one of our players was being disallowed from taking part in the playoffs because he was too good. He was completely eligible (played the min number of regular season games). This is also in the league where there are teams where the entire team is being moved up a division because they hit double digits in almost every game they played. But one of our guys wasn't allowed to play... Totally fed up with this league.Anyway, the game started to get ridiculous. They even had one guy who would wind up with a slapshot from the neutral zone, not even aiming for the net. He was aiming at our players. I just had enough. It was a single-elimination playoff game, we were losing with zero momentum and they were still pulling that crap. I'd just simply had enough.Anyway. No excuse for what I said, no matter how much I think he deserved it. Which is why I think it's time to take time off. Work is kicking my ass and it's clearly affecting me. Luckily goalie is the exact opposite for me, it's very calming. Kind of a zen thing out there.

    Right on.

  6. My daughter didn't play all season due to a shoulder injury.

    We had a parents vs. U14 girls scrimmage last night and she jumped on the ice with her team.

    She was skating well, brain was working, feet just a bit slow.

    Midway into the game, she skated out from the bench to the center ice faceoff circle after a goal. While stopping, she stood too much upright and fell over backwards...onto her back, and her head smacked the ice.

    Concussion. Yay. :(

    Kind of dumb of her to not be in hockey position, nor keep her head up, but she was out of practice. I hate it when my kids hurt.

    So sorry Bro, tough break....

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  7. 17b0b8c3-8d5b-4ca5-8488-ce559e84bb5b_zpsFinal scrimmage to cap off our rookie adult season.This crew learned an incredible amount in 17 weeks. I'm looking forward to playing with them in league and dropin for years to come.

    Damn am I sorry that's over. What an incredible experience. I can't say enough about the fellas that put this together and week after week made it challenging and fun. And now I can say without any reservations:

    I'm a hockey player.

    Thanks Shawn.

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