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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. May I ask were you also doing the shim on a supreme skates to get vapor like forward pitch? I have a friend that can bring it to Japan to help me add a shim. I'm thinking if 5mm of shim height will be too much or just right since 3mm for you was not enough? Thank you! Yea, like he mentioned, I am in a small tropical country that has very limited hockey support here Thank you though!
  2. Thank you sturdy for the website for the shims! The 3mm seems to be what I am looking for! @Bruindust, unfortunately I have to order from Europe and have it sent here. I'm currently on bauer speed plates. I will try and have a look and hopefully it helps too. Thank you!
  3. Hi all, First Post here so pardon me. I recently got a Supreme Mach skates and I am having trouble with the Pitch? of the skate. Leisurely and slower gameplay, I can consciously adjust, however once I start to play at my level or higher, I fall on the ice countless amount of times and its also harder to do things I usually able to with my vapor 1x skates. I have always worn vapors (XXXX & 1x) and a short period of time a supreme skates that was loaned to me Others that got the Mach in my country also noticed that the Machs felt flatter and more leaned back than their older supremes. So I need an advice and help to get a shim suitable to fix the pitch issue I understand a lot are suggesting a profile to try it out, however I am in an Asia country with no access to profiling multiple times to try it out. Therefore I would require a more permanent solution which is shimming the skates. Thank you in advance and sorry if this post should not be posted here Regards Jake
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