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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by MiloJanus

  1. They just posted on their Facebook page that the Visium 2 will be out in December... www.facebook.com/alkalihockey/ So fresh, and SO clean. Introducing The Visium 2️⃣. Alka-line up and get yours 12/17.—————————-#jointhemovement #alkalihockey #tistheseason#RPD
  2. Great - glad I didn't buy any of the current skates then. 2018 Visium 2 -$299.99 with Magnesium Chassis, Pro Stiffness, Actv Wick Dry Liner, Labeda Millenium Wheels, Swiss Bearings! Available Q4 17'! That is a much better skate at the same price that I paid for my Team+ assuming they're Purlyn and not nylon.
  3. Price just dropped again at IW and HockeyMonkey. RPD Max is now 389.99. RPD Shift is now 249.99. Very little size selection left. I wish they had my size.
  4. Is Alkali discontinuing the RPD line? Both IW and HockeyMonkey have three models left and two are on sale. Shift is $100 off and the Max is $160 off.
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