I've been wearing orthotics in skates for years. I initially got them to ease the pain in my bauer skates, however my skating has gotten worse over the years and I felt off balance often. I just attributed it to getting older and not playing as often. When I got new RBK skates two years ago I just moved my orthotics into them without even thinking about it, however, I recently took them out to see how much they were actually helping. Without them in I have much better balance and control and I;m actually much more comfortable in my skates. With the othotic I alwas felt like I was standing on an orthotic in a boot - now my skates are very comfortable. The only problem is I do still pronate and in turn have lost some speed because I'm always on my inside edges a little. I was thinking about trying to get the blades moved in but after seeing the above post I'm not sure, I also don't know if there is anyone near me that is qualified to move the blades. Any suggestions? I'd hate to go back to orthotics. Would a much stiffer boot help? I have 2010 RBK 10s now and they're pretty stiff.