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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Hey guys. Been lurking on this thread and forum for a little while. I used to play a lot of roller hockey, then played some ice and travel teams during high school and then quit skating all together. Watched the Stanley cup playoffs, fell in love with the lightning team this year and decided I wanted to skate again. Dug out my old mission vi's out of the shed and got to it. They are wore out to say the least. So I was in the market for new skates. A few days ago I ordered the alkali rpd team skates from inline warehouse baked them and then took them out for a spin this morning. Man! What a skate. They are perfectly baked and fit like a glove. The all 80 set up is fast and I feel completely in control digging in to corners and the turning radius is legit. Just wanted to say hello and thanks for all the info in this thread. This will definitely not be my last alkali product. Hey guys. Been lurking on this thread and forum for a little while. I used to play a lot of roller hockey, then played some ice and travel teams during high school and then quit skating all together. Watched the Stanley cup playoffs, fell in love with the lightning team this year and decided I wanted to skate again. Dug out my old mission vi's out of the shed and got to it. They are wore out to say the least. So I was in the market for new skates. A few days ago I ordered the alkali rpd team skates from inline warehouse baked them and then took them out for a spin this morning. Man! What a skate. They are perfectly baked and fit like a glove. The all 80 set up is fast and I feel completely in control digging in to corners and the turning radius is legit. Just wanted to say hello and thanks for all the info in this thread. This will definitely not be my last alkali product.
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