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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by LAK5656

  1. Dear friends at Alkali, i'm a huge fan and supporter of your products, I love my CA7 skates and the RPD gloves. I want to give some feedback on my experience with the RPD Max sticks though. I've owned three in the last two years. The first one I had lasted me well over a year and probably would have lasted longer if some jerk hadn't have taken a bad hack at it. When that stick died I picked up two more RPD Max sticks, I've broken both of those within three months and that's only playing one night a week. Both broke on nothing shots, and both went at the fuse point. Blade completely broke off, luckily that little string of fiber glass keeps them from taking someone head off. Unfortunately, the sticks broke after the 30 day mark so i'm out of luck on the warranty. Anyway, just wanted to give you the heads up. Not sure if maybe something went funky in the manufacturing of that batch or what, but it seems weird for both sticks to break the same way and for really no apparent reason. Again, big fan of your products.
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