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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by missin44

  1. Thanks all. So looking online i see some intermittent sticks in the 60-65 flex range which seems perfect for him, these sticks are generally the 60 flex = 55" to the 65 flex = 58.5" long based on the specs listed. Since the way you measure a hockey stick in hand is different then how a stick is actually measured by the manufacturer is where i am have trouble. If I cut the stick them the stick become stiffer and that perfect flex is now gone. True I can measure the his chin/node to floor but that doesn't correspond to the length listed by the manufacturer. 

    I'm I missing something, or trying to put too fine a point on it? 

    I tend to think that a 58" might only be just ever so slightly too long and 55" too short. If I were able to have sticks in hand and stand them in front of him it really wouldn't be an issue.

  2. My son is in need of a new stick but we have a few problems. First, Our local rink closed for almost a year which prevented him from skating, it's just reopened. Second, a few months ago his stick was broken when a car backed over it. The stick was thrown away before we checked it's size. Third, there are zero places to buy hockey equipment in out area so we are relegated to buying online.

    My question, my son is 5'9", 125 lb., skates well in local pickup games. 

    Could someone give me an idea of a stick length that might be a good fit?


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