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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by beardacus

  1. psullion22 thanks very much for your write up. My local proshop still doesnt have any p90tm's in stock unfortunately so I cant really compare it, but judging by the most recent pictures boo10 posted it almost looks like the p90tm is more open than a p29. Do you think that might be because of the angle he is holding it at in the picture? Or maybe because of the bend in the toe?

    From your experience with the p90tm have you had any issues with shots going over the net? I have very good control on my shots with the p29 but have had issues when shooting with my friends p28s.

  2. Colins thank you very much for that picture and information. Judging by your description I'm not sure if the blade is open enough for me?

    What I am basically looking for is a p29 curve with a taller blade and flatter rocker. I play defense and the p88 does everything I want except I have trouble hitting top corners. With the p29 my shot is perfect from everywhere but I need the taller blade and flatter rocker while playing the defensive side of the game. 

    My proshop does not have the curve for me to look at unfortunately. 

  3. 5 hours ago, SkateWorksPNW said:

    The P90TM and P88 are nothing like each other. Look at the pics. Also, the P92 is longer of a blade than the P88. 

    The P90TM is a mix between the P28 and the P92, with a little more of a toe kink. 


    I want a p29 curve with a taller blade and more blade on the ice. Is the p90tm that? I dont want a toe that is more open than the p29.

  4. On 5/11/2020 at 1:11 PM, CCMHockey said:






    Its crazy how wide of a range Ribcore can fit. Narrow AND wide feet. Almost doesn't make sense how it can be so formable and still stay stiff.

    Since my son has wide feet what would you recommend for him to do? CCM has the 30 day return deal so I am thinking get him heat molded in Ribcore 80k skates and let him skate a couple sessions before he makes up his mind. If they are still too tight and uncomfortable then I guess return them for EE RIbcores. I just dont want him to go directly to an EE and then the skates get too sloppy on him after prolonged skating. Do you think this is a good way to try it? For what its worth Supertacks out of the box are a little bit too narrow for him in the forefoot.

  5. Can anyone confirm that the Ribcore skate is the highest volume CCM skate? I am reading mixed things online. Some places compare them to Vapor, a few have compared them to Nexus. I want to switch my son over to CCMs but when we were at a proshop last year they gave him the super tacks to try on for a high volume foot and they were a bit tight for him. The guy didn't even offer us Ribcores to try on as a possibility. 

    Would they be comparable to a Nexus skate in fit?

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