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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ag12

  1. I agree with you there, somethings like that just seem as though they dont need to be made public Good luck regulating what gets or doesn't get reported by the press in this day in age. Like it or not he's a public figure now, a future face of the franchise, the press will be watching his every move. So if something gets in there you don't like, tough luck.... it's out there.
  2. In my opinion he's being taught how to behave under the 'corporate logo'. He works for a corporation now, expectations are different and they are going to make him conform. It's like any new grad starting his/her first job in a corporate setting. You learn the politics and how to behave, and if you don't some will tell you whether you like it or not..... I have no problem with what the Blues are doing, he'll learn how to act if he wants to be successful in the long run. They are making him accountable, I like it.....
  3. all i know is that the 1st gen. Synergy costs roughly $8 USD to make. they claim they don't make that much profit because of the labor costs and the cost of the machinery Biggest urban legend in this industry. I remember when that number came out and how it spread. The only way your going to know for sure is to become employed by Easton and have access to their internal financial statements. Even when companies disclose their cost of sales/unit they may choose leave out many other costs skewing the real number. Some companies don't even know themselves what the true cost of a product is, since they don't look at all the costs associated with bringing a product to market and roll them up to come up with a cost/unit.
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