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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I'm sorry, but how does any of that matter to me? I've never purchased these skates before. What matters to me is, I can have a relative in Canada buy the skates for me, and save $150... That makes no sense. Nothing matters to me but the price difference between a US citizen and a Canadian citizen.
  2. I'm having a hard time understanding it, to be honest. The most logical thing to do is level-set the price around USD, and drop the price by about 10%... Then everyone pays the same.
  3. I've had middle of the road skates last me around 5 years, playing 2-3 games a week, so I expect AT LEAST 5 years out of a "top-of-the-line" custom skate. I don't care about cosmetic stuff, but if they start falling apart, or break down, I'm going to be pretty pissed. I'm really interested in the CDN vs. US pricing difference here too.... If I order these and have them shipped to a Canadian address, it looks like a savings of more than $150 even with tax and shipping... The exchange rate is .74 to 1 right now. It's kind of amazing to me that they are charging US customers 25% more....
  4. For those that have had these for an extended period of time, how is the durability? I'm really on the fence here. I probably need to go with VH for my next pair of skates due to fit issues, but if I'm spending a thousand plus on skates, they better last a really long time.
  5. Helmet: Bauer 4500 with Re-Akt Titanium Cage Shoulders: None or Bauer Cheapies Elbows: CCM U+ 12 Gloves: CCM 4R Pro Pants: Easton Stealth Shins: Bauer X100 Skates: Graf Ultra G35S with LS2 holders(Cobra holder broke) Sticks: Warrior QR1 W28 85 Flex Happy with all the equipment. As you can see, I have no preference for any specific vendor. I buy what feels best. The Re-Akt is one of the best pieces of equipment I have ever bought. Like not wearing a cage. The QR1's are the best sticks I've ever used. I'm going to be really sad when I need to replace my Grafs, as well.
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