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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by jlird808

  1. Itʻs been over 3 years, but I was super into your post here, but I cant view the pics! It says thereʻs a Photobucket error I think.

    I too have a fat head/face and a 7700. My cheeks get smooshed AND I dont have full peripheral vision bcz my head is "further back"

    Any other way to show me those pics you took? If you wanna email me...Iʻm at JLiRD808@gmail.com


  2. 40 year old player getting back on the ice after 15 years off. My endurance is definitely what needs the most work! That said, I've noticed that in some games I'm still charging hard in the 3rd period while in other games I'm literally gassing out in the 1st!! I'm wondering if that swing in energy levels has to do with what/when/how I ate/drank the day of the game or even right up to the game. What are some tips on game-day diet? I heard a goalie tell me to pound Gatorade an hour before the game & drink water during. I've heard others talk about energy drinks before games, but drink lots of water during games to keep from crashing. Other thoughts/ideas? THANKS!
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