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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by #44wannabe

  1. Team mate skates into me during a game and his helmet hits me square in the chops. Split lip and teeth pushed back. Braces again? likely. Split lip starting to look life a cold sore? Yes. Girlfriend happy? No.

    Loved ones moving on.

    Car pulls out from a junction without enough space for to safely stop should they not be able to hammer it right away. Lo and behold there's a pedestrian on the crossing about 10feet away and they put the anchors on, a grab the brakes on my motorcycle, front wheel slips away and i slide about 20 down the road into the back of the car.

    All in one weekend. FML.

  2. The yellow laces were actually taken from some Vector SE's (the ovey ones) just for the colour really. They had sold out of yellow waxed laces.

    The colour is a standard option but i went custom for the toungues and went 1/2 size smaller than my previous pair and extra wide. Same price as normal skates.

    Dean - i currently have these without the toungues but with whit lightspeeds, i just have a feeling black would looks sweet and different. Can anyone photoshop some black lightspeeds onto some white g70's?

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