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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by team50

  1. US here I come... had a real feel good day today, to top it off we've got the all clear to go to the US!

    Looks like its 24-30 Sep, mainly in Chicago and surrounding towns. Going to see if the boss will allow for me to stay a couple extra days to catch up with some MSH members.

    Facebook tells me its your birthday all day. Happy birthday Kev.

  2. Jim Kelley, a longtime sports writer and member of the Hockey Hall of Fame, has died after a long battle with cancer. He was 61.

    Most recently, he was writing columns for Sports Illustrated.

    His last column/blog for Sportnet.ca was filed last evening at 1:30AM. Loved listening to that guy on the radio. I'll miss him.

    RIP Enrico Pallazzo.

    Sad part is that his version is better than some serious attempts at sporting events. That whole sequence at the ballpark had me laughing for days whe I was a kid.

    RIP Drebin

  3. I've been dealing with the same thing dude, it seems like every time I'm hanging out with her he starts calling her. you need to be straight up with her, and tell her that it bothers you, or ask her whats going on and why hes calling so much, if she says she doesn't know ask her if she talks to him when you arent around, and where her feelings for this guy are.

    If the calls are unwanted, sounds like harassment to me and possibly a police matter. In my experience these situations generally escalate.

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