Hey guys, wanted to let you know that HockeyTracker for Apple Watch 2.0 is out! I started developing the app this past fall after posting on this sub whether anyone would be interested in this type of app and getting a lot of interest. We turned that into a pretty extensive beta prior to launching 1.0 in January.
Version 1.0 was more or less a skeletal version of the app just to begin tracking and saving the hockey specific metrics.
Version 2.0 now adds a fresh UI design as well as an important historical section so that we can begin to see how our metrics are improving over time, especially those HT-custom metrics like Skating Efficiency and Hockey Fitness Ratio which really didn't mean much without the ability to track them between workouts. I've also added dedicated Goalie and Ref modes which I hope to expand on in subsequent updates.
Everything included in 2.0:
*Historical Section (see your stats and metrics graphs based on the week, month, or year). Drag your finger on the graph to see the data point.
*Fresh design and user interface (inside a workout, swipe left or right to navigate between your metric categories)
*You will now see your shift times graphed above the list of shifts
*Updated Watch UI with icons for metrics
*Dedicated Goalie Mode including the ability to add shots on goal and saves
*Dedicated Ref Mode
*Under the hood bug fixes and enhancements
Please check out the new version and let me know what you think. If you haven't yet please join our Slack community to contribute feedback, feature requests, and post your stats 👉https://join.slack.com/t/hockeytracker/shared_invite/enQtMzEwNTM5MjA3MDYzLWI3NThlMGNjMzQ2ZDg2ZDc4ODc0MTJlNGZjYzZmOGU5MmZmZDU1NmRlNzZlYjVmM2ZmMTc1MGNmMWQ3YjA3NjE
And if you could leave a rating or review that would be awesome too, they help as far as getting the word out to more and more hockey players around the world.
Thank you as always for your continued support! 🙏