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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by SILVER82

  1. I broke down and got a TSN subscription. Pretty crummy you can't watch the games on demand like the NHL app. You can't even pause games. beggers can't be choosers though Im just excited for some hockey to be back. As far as the NHL app it looks like they are working out the details bc each day they put a bit more info out about which games will be available. The easiest answer to all of this would be to just get TV but we don't have it in our house hence me looking for ways to Stream. Go Canada Go
  2. Pretty much as the titles says it. Wondering if anyone here has any experience streaming the world Jr games. I've done the basic google searches and can see that NHL network is streaming them but Im not sure if this will be available in Canada or not. If anyone knows anything about this let me know. There also seems to be an option to buy a TSN subscription, just not sure if it is like there NHL coverage (you have to watch real time). Before anyone jumps on me. I'm not looking to watch things for free I actually want to find a subscription service that is easy and simple to use, like the NHL app. I love the NHL app and watch all my leafs games that way (except for blackouts). Speaking of the NHL app I don't see anything about the new season yet. I know they just announced the season starting Jan 13 just wondering if these games will be available on the NHL app.
  3. Thank you for your input. I think I will give the CCM and try. On a side not how are you liking the true helmet. I tried one on the other day and it fit really well.
  4. I’m wondering if anyone has tried both the Bauer concept 3 and the new CCM fish bowl? Main talking points would be fit, Fogging up, weight and scratch resistance. My local shop says they are the exact same. But from just looking at them the CCM looks to be a bit better designed. Thank you for any thoughts
  5. That makes sense. I thought one of the selling points for step was the angle of attack and ability to profile without taking away all your steel.
  6. Is there a reason why the steel looks so small. Is there a standard steel and then an up charge to go to step steel?
  7. This comes from the VH topic. I had never heard of red dog hockey boost before so I thought I would check it out. here is the website https://reddoghockey.com/reddog-hockey-boost.html Could be argued that this is one of the worst sites out there, ( i don't mean to hurt anyones feelings). After scanning the page I couldnt really tell what the product was. Anyone try it? is it just some shims? the video says its a 5 min installation, if thats the case and it is just shims then they would have to be internal and wouldn't that change the internal volume?
  8. Has pitch adjustment ever been a feature on a holder before? Seems like a pretty smart idea
  9. wow that is a lot of new. I think that will quiet a lot of the complaints with regards to weight. Does anyone know if the July date will just be a release of info or will stores actually have them available then to see and potentially order?
  10. I know people in the know might not be able to answer this question but is the holder the only new!! thing with the new boot? Anything new to the actual boot?
  11. I’ve been waiting for someone to say this. I keep checking on this thread hoping that there is info about the actual skates. I get people have issues but maybe limit to one post or start a new topic. In an attempt to get a new topic going. Has anyone heard of any alterations coming to the true skates? I know last year a new carbon weave was used. Any feedback or thoughts on this.
  12. Yes MLX. Lets be serious not everyone know the history, hence why I put it out there for the OP. I now it is unlikely that Bauer will but we can dream
  13. Im currently in Makos and have done a bit of research on them. The history goes (as far as youtube video research goes); the molds for MX skates were originally developed by Scott Van Horne back in the 90s or something. MX was bought out by Easton which became the Mako skates. Scott Van Horne made the VH skates which became true skates. So as long as the internet doesn't lie to me the closets thing to Mako skates is the current true skates. However considering bauer bought out Easton there is a chance that they could release something similar to the mako skate in the coming years.
  14. In your quote you say "Again it can be done not by matching the profiles or pitch because both are different" Im confused. I will most likely go from makos to trues someday and am curious about this. What did you mean? do you mean by using spacers? Or do you actually mean the trues can be profiled to feel the same as the makos? Does anyone know if the skate can me built differently to feel more like the mako? making them not as stiff?
  15. That’s not bad. What is the weight of the skates then? If you don’t mind. Could you include the size,steel and holder type. Thanks. Any other difference you notice between the old and new?
  16. Any weight difference between the new and old skates. You mentioned they have a new carbon?
  17. Awesome review. Thank you. I see a lot of comments about the weight of these skates. I currently don’t own trues but have been thinking about it along time. Out of interest I weighed my mako 2 skates individually. Which were 853 grams and 857 grams. Size 8.5 d. I tried to find comparison to trues and from what I can find without shot blockers 830 not sure if size, and with around 1020grams. Does this seem correct to people in the know. In comparison to as1’s 786 grams. That only makes the trues 60 grams. I haven’t compared to a lot of others. Is everyone who orders these and complains about the weight getting them with shot blockers. From what I can tell. I’ll be going down in weight if I go to trues bc I don’t think I would get shot blockers.
  18. Thank you for your response. I would be interested to see some side by side pics of this if anyone has the pictures. Is that the only change? Is there anything out on the benefits of the new weave?
  19. I think last year someone posted a video at the Hockey Expo where a Skate fitter mentioned a Version 4 of the Skate. Has anyone heard anything about this? I think I remember in the video they mentioned it was coming out in Aug or something. The video was taken down pretty quickly though.
  20. For the guys who switched from makos to true. How much stiffer are true skates? How long did it take to make the transition? Did you feel it improved any part of your skating? Do you feel it made you any worse? Does anyone think Bauer will implement a skate similar to the makos?
  21. Thanks for he reply. I’m going to give it a go.
  22. Thank you for the details and pic. Do you feel that there is still enough strength in the plastic. Has anyone broken there clips after doing this?
  23. Any follow up on how you shaved the clips?
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