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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Favro9

  1. Just to clarify this is okay to use on coated steel?
  2. Awesome! Quad 1 is what I've decided to go with as well, just with no build in pitch. I figure since I like the quad 0 my ultrasonics came with I didn't want to jump all the way up to a quad 2. And that's a great idea, I'll try doing less but more frequent passes and see if it helps with the burrs. How often do you find you need to sharpen flare steel compared to standard steel? In my experience I feel like they retain a good edge longer, however they also sustain damage like nicks and rolled edges alot easier, ever with the DLC coating
  3. Hi, yeah I had the last set profiled by kkskate.com and I'm having this set done by them as well. The pair I sent in for profiling had already been sharpened many times so the flare was already worn down a bit, and like you said in your pm since I chose the 20mm pitch option I was left with a really small flare at the toe, I don't think there was any way I was going to get them back with much of it intact haha. The actual work they did was great
  4. Hi everyone, first time post! I want to buy another set of Flare steel and have it profiled and was hoping for advice from anyone who might have any. My skates are custom ultrasonics with a holder size 288. I like the stock profile that came on the pulse ti steel and it feels very comfortable to me now. In the past I've tried Flare with it's stock profile and while I loved the edges, the profile felt pretty flat and like there was too much steel on the toe, which I think hindered my agility. I had those profiled to an ellipse 1 with the standard 20mm offset and then they felt too pitched forward and unstable for me. My understanding is that the profile on my ultrasonics is a standard quad 0, but if that's the case I'm surprise that the ellipse 1 would feel less stable than that. Another issue I had with the ellipse was that it took off a ton of the flare, which was kind of a bummer. Right now I'm leaning towards getting the Flare profiled with a quad 0 or a quad 1, but am having trouble deciding between the two as well as what pitch I should choose. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Oh and one more thing, the Flare steel I currently have is DLC coated, and I sharpen it on a sparx machine to 1 1/4", and it always has such a massive burr on it that I can't fully remove with a rubberized stone or leather strop, so I have trouble ever getting a nice edge. Not sure if that's because of the sparx or the flare or whatever, but I'm thinking of getting the non-coated steel so that I can use a normal stone which I hope will be better at removing the massive burrs. Thoughts?
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