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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by RayJ24

  1. Thanks for the link within the previous response regarding those timeless drills and activities. When it comes to player rotations, can anyone share some of their lessons learned when it comes to meaningful or equal playing time ? Thus far, I've watched minutes very closely wanting to protect that aspect, which has been a distraction during play, making my teaching pretty choppy during the first couple of months.
  2. Good day - I am in my first year coaching 8U for two of my kids. I last played at the club level in college, taking a good decade off any ice and any watching the sport at all while on active duty in the Army. There was no hockey to speak of in Iraq & Afghanistan. This thread brought me to a point at which to register on the site and read a little bit as I get back into the game with my son and daughter. Seeing my kids play caused me to pull out the 652 Tacks from when I was a teenager and lace 'em up again this past winter. With the outdoor rink a mile away from the house, I was able to get all that ice time that used to be such a premium. What a dream. Thanks, everyone! Ray
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