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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Lincoln, UK
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  1. Thanks very much for all the feedback, it’s helped put my mind at ease a bit. Yeah it’s the soft foam pads I removed so good to hear I’m removing the right part! I’m still in Tuuk holders, just step steel. My feet are tiny so I’m actually in a junior size boot and apparently we can’t get step holders in 246 in UK, which is fine. the hockey store is sending images and videos to true for any issues before my first game on them this weekend but by the sounds of it, like you’ve both mentioned it’s cosmetic, really appreciate it. I’ll come back with any further feedback after Sunday’s game.
  2. I'd just like to confirm, I've previously worked as a camera operator/editor with Chris on a freelance basis for the last 4 years, the first video I produced being for the Sherwood Rekker. Although I haven't had time to collaborate with him in the last 10 months, I always asked to be paid for my time, like any professional would. So therefore any video production I worked on incurred a fee in order for it to be completed. I've also shot tonnes of reviews for HT over the years, and the question that Chris always asked while I was behind the camera was 'have we covered all sides/arguments?' We would always do our best to ensure that it was non-bias and those watching received the best information possible to make an informed decision on whether it was, or wasn't for them. If we felt it was too one sided towards just the positives, we'd reshoot. Sorry to hear your top gear video didn't go as planned OldTrainerGuy28! I would've loved to have been there to help bring that idea to life! YouTube views don't equate to a fee for every view, there are a lot of factors to take into consideration :) hope this helps!
  3. My LHS said in the toe box there's a small bit of material to remove if you feel there isn't enough space in there. It was easily removed via the masking tape holding it in place. Hopefully you're right and it's just cosmetic.
  4. Hi all, avid reader of MSH for years but this my first post. I recently picked up a pair of True’s from my LHS in Sheffield, UK. 2 weeks after sending scan details off they were back, impressed with how quick the turnaround was. I’ve struggled to fit into skates for years, with a high arch and instep so decided to take the plunge. I’ve only had 2 hours on the ice so far this week, they felt really comfortable after a few tweaks but will definitely take a period of time to get used to. After reading all the comments here I was under no illusion they’d be perfect out of the box. Just wondering if anyone has had the same issues as me: - Had to remove the ‘packers’ in toe caps to give me a little more space in the boot as they felt too short. Removing the packers gave me a great fit. - After the initial bake, fitting and taking the skates home I had to reheat the eyelets and softly curl them out to get the skates back on (common issue seen on this thread) - Was in MX3’s previously with Tuuks/LS2’s & detroit1 profile, now in step steel with same holder/profile, pitch from these seems to be more aggressive? (My first time using step) - Part of the boot seems to have broken down after a mere 2 hours on the ice. Bare in mind I’m not the biggest or most aggressive of skaters out there! I understand there’ll be a slight period of getting used to changes and how the skate feels/reacts etc so I’m waiting for more time on the ice to judge. Really happy overall with no foot pain for the first time in a long time, the comfort and responsiveness of the skate is great, but should this concern me? My LHS are sending images and videos to True to ask. https://imgur.com/a/11POAuy
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