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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Torikkun last won the day on July 31 2021

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6 Neutral


  • Skates
    CCM Ribcor 68k
  • Hockey Bag
    Easton Synergy Elite Backpack
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Supreme 170
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer Vapor x80
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM QuickLite QLT
  • Pants
  • Helmet
    Bauer Re-Akt
  • Gloves
    STX Surgeon 500
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  1. Do these both dry pretty flat/smooth? I wear thin socks, so I would hate if I could feel the texture of the dried glue through the socks.... Separate question: Does anyone know what the stock profile of the Shift steel is? It's much flatter than my Step (original Step, before CCM acquisition). I thought Step had a 10' profile (although I have been told it was 9'.......) I really like the flatter part for the back part of the blade, but it feels wrong on the front. I'm trying to figure out what I should have my steel profiled to. My steel is 237mm, if that makes a difference.
  2. I think I'll have to try the Superfeet again and focus on the arch more like you suggested. I just came back from a stick and puck and I was able to skate with the new skates the whole time. I definitely noticed that the arch support doesn't seem to extend all the way forward. It feels like there's a gap between where the arch support ends and the ball of my foot, so a lot of the weight ended up on the ball of foot and it was very sore by the end. In the past, I couldn't try more than once since the stabbing arch pain was so bad. 😂 I'd loosen my laces which would help some, but then I'd have a skate that was too loose, haha.
  3. I may have to try them again then. Whenever I was trying on the insoles, we always just went for the one closest to the skate size and trimmed that to fit. I never tried on the larger sizes and focused on the arch fit. Is there a good way to get the same load bearing on them as when skating? I found a lot of times, I would try the insoles on in store, with and without my skates, and they would seemingly fit right. But then when I would skate on them, there would instantly be a ton of pain in the arch.
  4. Ah, so you're saying to try on the different sizes but look for the size where the arch lines up? Now that you're mentioning the arch locking backwards in place, I think I remember the arches on other insoles I tried not lining up well... I looked into potentially getting custom orthotics because all the off the shelf stuff just wasn't right...
  5. I have the Superfeet Comfort Insoles--so there's not much arch support in these. What I loved about them was they cupped my heel nice and helped with some of the lateral slop in my 1st customs. They're size B (skate size 3-4). I wear a women's size 7, but measure as a 6-6.5 in a men's Brannock. If I were to buy shoes from the men's section at say Adidas, it'd have to be a size 5. In shoes, my forefoot width is probably closer to a C and the heel B. When trying on the skates again just now, I found that the only way my feet didn't slide forward is if I was barefoot and my feet warmed up. I really don't want to skate barefoot though, haha. I have tried the Superfeet Carbon years past and couldn't wear them because the arch support felt like it was stabbing the bottom of my foot. I've tried other Superfeet insoles and always had the same foot stabbing issue. I know I pronate some and have pretty flat arches (but not to the point of plantar fasciitis), so that's probably why I get the foot stabbing pain.
  6. Totally appreciate you reading my whole novel, LOL! I actually had a response typed out, but your post got me thinking about the fit again, so I went to try them on some more. I agree, the stiffness of skates makes them less comfy, I just remember before realizing I was jamming my foot into skates too small, I never felt any hard pain--at most the skates were tight. Before I realized the 68k's I had were too small, those things were so comfy out of the box--I didn't think I needed to bake them. (I went away from those skates and to customs since they softened over time quick, so I lost heel lock.) The first thing I did was actually switch to my Superfeet insoles. 😂 The True insoles feel like the heel cup is too narrow, so my Superfeets were more comfortable. I just tried the skates on a million times again... and I found that the reason my toes are jamming in the front is due to my foot slipping forward. If I can keep my foot all the way back in the boot, then the big toe just barely feathers the toe cap. I also have to make sure I really bend my knees and flex my ankles to keep them back in the boot. If I relax any of those, then my foot slides forward and jams the front. (This is probably why I never had an issue in my 1st customs. They're longer, so even if my foot slips forward, it wasn't enough to touch the front of the boot.) This foot slippage leads me to another revelation... I think this is the reason why I'm not getting heel lock. If my foot is slipping forward, then my heel isn't actually in the heel cup. If I tie my skates all the way up and crank down on the laces, I don't really feel any heel lift, but then how are you supposed to have increased ankle flexion? I thought with customs, the lateral fit would be so good, you'd essentially not need the pressure from the tongue and laces to keep your foot locked into the boot. I think these were baked right, but maybe they need baked again? It's why I came to ask people for their other experiences. Reading through this thread, plus other offline people, everyone has trouble getting their skates on/off because of how tight/form fitting they are. I actually had them lace it all the way up (minus 2 eyelets), plus do the wrap on the heel and forefoot just from that being needed for the first pair of skates. On my first pair, for the 3rd/4th bake I actually brought in clamps and had them crank down on them in the heel area, but that still didn't help because I think it was just overall too big. In trying them on again just now, I did the lipstick trick I've seen here and it turns out, I'm not getting irritation in the Haglund's area. It's lower where the heel bone rounds out the most--so maybe I just need a deeper heel pocket? Like you just said, for people with Haglund's / accessory navicular / other bony protrusions, you want to form a donut of padding around the bump so it doesn't rub against anything. If you punch out the space but the protrusion is still rubbing against the hard carbon frame of the boot, your foot eventually develops a callous or it just hurts too much. I developed a pretty big callous around one accessory navicular, but it went away after switching to the 68k's and customs.
  7. Hi all! Long time lurker of this thread and MSH in general on/off over the years. I'm hoping to get some validation / confirmation for how comfortable / well these skates should fit. Tldr; Is the fit on these customs supposed to be so good it's almost like wearing sneakers? A well fitted boot? Does this change if the skates are laced up versus not? Is any "breaking in" supposed to be needed? For a little background on why I'm asking... This is the 2nd time I'm trying out the True customs. I unfortunately bought my 1st pair in 2020 right when Covid hit (around when True changed from the old VH to Shift holders), so even though I felt like I had issues with the fit, I never pushed for a remake since so much time passed between me trying out the skates, re-baking them multiple times with different wrapping & clamping methods, trying different insoles etc, that I felt like too much time had passed to ask for a remake. I also learned I have a slight pronation issue so I figured I would try and fix that with unlaced skating before "ruining" a new pair of skates since all my past skates have opened up worse over time and become sloppier due to my pronation. Fast forward to now, I've got my new skates, but the fit is still... not ideal. In my first customs, my issue was the skate felt too big overall (length, width, and volume, but in varying degrees and foot areas). I have always been able to pull the tongue out and put my foot straight into the boot without having to do any foot twisting / shoehorn use like most people need to. I figured maybe I was just used to a tighter fit was due to my old retail skates being a 0.5-1 size too small. Even with the smaller skates, I've always had heel lock issues because of my skinny ankles (but wider forefoot, so I need a roomier toe box). In the customs, thicker socks helped with the volume, but not the heel lock since it felt like the heel pocket isn't deep enough and the ankle padding didn't seem to go down low enough. When I ordered the 2nd pair, I did a re-scan and we talked about making a note to have the new skates made smaller. These are definitely smaller... but now I'm feeling like my 1st pair is more comfortable. 😰 My toes can feel the front of the boot, but I'm not sure if it's too much since my toes distinctly feel the curve on the bottom-front of the boot. I think the width is better since I don't feel like my feet have room to slide side to side. I do wish there was a slightly more room in the forefoot, but I think this could be easily stretched? The heel lock on these is definitely improved, but only when I lace the skates up. If I try to skate with these unlaced, it still feels like my foot could easily "walk out" of the boot if I lift my foot up too much... I can also still easily put my foot into the boot without twisting my foot. My other big problem with the heel is that there is hard rubbing in the infamous Bauer bump/Haglund's deformity area. This discomfort does go away after I skate it bit, but I only think it's my foot getting numb to the pain. I've always had this issue with retail skates, which is why I couldn't wear retail Bauers and had to go with CCM. The ankle padding again, feels like it's too high up, so I'm not sure if that's contributing to this hard discomfort. Is the ankle padding supposed to go low enough to cradle the heel where a Bauer bump would form, so that the skates ARE comfortable? (This is what I've always thought, but maybe I'm wrong?) Between this and the length issue, my feet are uncomfortable to the point where after lacing up, I just can't wait to get these off my feet. 😞 I forced myself to skate the full public skate sessions to make sure I gave these a fair shake. I skipped trying to wear these in a game since I could imagine myself just wanting to rip them off my feet after one shift. I don't think the shop is doing anything wrong since I've got buddies who got True customs from the same shop and they all love their skates. Maybe I need to be more explicit with my fit issues? I wasn't painfully explicit after the 1st pair since it was hard to tell with the whole boot just being too big, but now that I've gotten a 2nd to compare the two... it seems a little easier to do.
  8. Sorted by Hollow (ROH grouped together, and FBV grouped together) (Then sorted by bite to more glide) User Steel Runner Size Hollow Experience Profile 1 (Control) Profile 2 Profile 3 Profile 4 Profile 5 Profile 6 pgeorgan ? 254 ? ? Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Goalie Sam Sr 10'-50mm-27' Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Dave P Tydan 280 ? Skating since forever Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') Double - 9.5'-10.5' + Forward Pitch kpyoung ? ? ? Skating since forever N/A Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') gevorkya Step Black 272 1/2" Started at 18; 20+ yrs Single - 9' Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Quad 0 - 5/8" ROH (6'-9'-11'-13') cjv31 Tydan 280 1/2" Started at 7; Switched to goalie at 13 for 30 yrs; Player for 4 yrs (?) Single - 9' Double - 9'-10' cjpritch Bauer LS4 306 1/2" Started in 4th grade thru high school. 2 yr break in college. Single - 11' Double - 9'-10' SabbyP Tydan 271 5/8" Started at 14; 10 yr break; Started again at 39 1.5 yrs ago Double - 9'-10' Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') marka Step 263 5/8" Fire Started at 46 in 2015/2016 Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Double - 9'-10' +1/2deg Pitch Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') Torikkun Step 220 3/4" 3 yrs Single - 10' Double - 9'-10' stick9 Step Tydan 246 3/4" C level men's league Single - 10' Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Double - 9'-10' Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') clarkiestooth Tydan 263 3/4" Junior A, 4 yr NCAA, Currently 56 yo Self Custom Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') static86 Step 272 3/4" Started in 20s; 10 yrs Single - 10' Double - 10'-20' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') tpratt27 Bauer LS3 272 3/4" Started at 4; ACHA in college Single - 9' kvm Step Black 280 3/4" Play 8-15yo; 15 yrs as adult N/A Quad 2 7'-10'-13'-16' tcraig Bauer LS4 280 3/4" Started at 5; high school, Jr C, B; 10 yr break; Restarted 2 yrs ago Single - 10' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') yan Mission Pitch 263 7/16" Pond hockey growing up; 10 yrs Single - 9' Double - 10'-20' Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Double - 9'-10' Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') jpeaslee Step Black 288 7/8" Inline growing up, 1.5 years on ice Single - 11' Double - 9'-10' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Quad 2 (7'-10'-13'-16') McJesus ? ? 7/8" 20 yrs Single - 12' Single - 14' Double - 10'-20' Aggie Step 272 100/50 FBV Started roller in college in 1998; Switch to ice in 2005 Single - 10' Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') dkmiller3356 Step 272 100/50 FBV Started at 34; 17 years Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') jdilley Bauer LS3 Tydan 288 100/50 FBV Play from 10-17yo; Restarted in 2010 Single - 10' Double - 9'-10' Wolfpack_1986 Tydan 238 90/75 FBV Started in college 12 yrs ago Single - 10' Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') Vulcan7905 Tydan 280 90/75 FBV 3 yrs as child; Restarted at 27 Single - 10' Double - 10'-20' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Deke Step ? 90/75 FBV Started in high school; 40+ yrs N/A Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Quad 2 (7'-10'-13'-16') Double - 10'-20' krp2115 Step Black ? 90/75 FBV Started skating at 4/5; Started hockey at 7 N/A Double - 10'-20' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') mojo122 Bauer LS5 254 90/50 FBV Played high school + college; 40+ years Single - 10' Triple - Glide 60 (11'-50mm-11') Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Double - 10'-20' yipperzz CCM SB 4.0 247 90/1 FBV Roller for 25 yrs; Ice for 20 yrs Double - 8'-12' Forward Pitch Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20')
  9. Sorted by Runner Size User Steel Runner Size Hollow Experience Profile 1 (Control) Profile 2 Profile 3 Profile 4 Profile 5 Profile 6 Torikkun Step 220 3/4" 3 yrs Single - 10' Double - 9'-10' Wolfpack_1986 Tydan 238 90/75 FBV Started in college 12 yrs ago Single - 10' Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') stick9 Step Tydan 246 3/4" C level men's league Single - 10' Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Double - 9'-10' Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') yipperzz CCM SB 4.0 247 90/1 FBV Roller for 25 yrs; Ice for 20 yrs Double - 8'-12' Forward Pitch Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') mojo122 Bauer LS5 254 90/50 FBV Played high school + college; 40+ years Single - 10' Triple - Glide 60 (11'-50mm-11') Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Double - 10'-20' pgeorgan ? 254 ? ? Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Goalie Sam Sr 10'-50mm-27' Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') clarkiestooth Tydan 263 3/4" Junior A, 4 yr NCAA, Currently 56 yo Self Custom Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') marka Step 263 5/8" Fire Started at 46 in 2015/2016 Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Double - 9'-10' +1/2deg Pitch Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') yan Mission Pitch 263 7/16" Pond hockey growing up; 10 yrs Single - 9' Double - 10'-20' Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Double - 9'-10' Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') SabbyP Tydan 271 5/8" Started at 14; 10 yr break; Started again at 39 1.5 yrs ago Double - 9'-10' Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Aggie Step 272 100/50 FBV Started roller in college in 1998; Switch to ice in 2005 Single - 10' Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') dkmiller3356 Step 272 100/50 FBV Started at 34; 17 years Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') gevorkya Step Black 272 1/2" Started at 18; 20+ yrs Single - 9' Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Quad 0 - 5/8" ROH (6'-9'-11'-13') static86 Step 272 3/4" Started in 20s; 10 yrs Single - 10' Double - 10'-20' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') tpratt27 Bauer LS3 272 3/4" Started at 4; ACHA in college Single - 9' cjv31 Tydan 280 1/2" Started at 7; Switched to goalie at 13 for 30 yrs; Player for 4 yrs (?) Single - 9' Double - 9'-10' Dave P Tydan 280 ? Skating since forever Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') Double - 9.5'-10.5' + Forward Pitch kvm Step Black 280 3/4" Play 8-15yo; 15 yrs as adult N/A Quad 2 7'-10'-13'-16' tcraig Bauer LS4 280 3/4" Started at 5; high school, Jr C, B; 10 yr break; Restarted 2 yrs ago Single - 10' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Vulcan7905 Tydan 280 90/75 FBV 3 yrs as child; Restarted at 27 Single - 10' Double - 10'-20' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') jdilley Bauer LS3 Tydan 288 100/50 FBV Play from 10-17yo; Restarted in 2010 Single - 10' Double - 9'-10' jpeaslee Step Black 288 7/8" Inline growing up, 1.5 years on ice Single - 11' Double - 9'-10' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Quad 2 (7'-10'-13'-16') cjpritch Bauer LS4 306 1/2" Started in 4th grade thru high school. 2 yr break in college. Single - 11' Double - 9'-10' Deke Step ? 90/75 FBV Started in high school; 40+ yrs N/A Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Quad 2 (7'-10'-13'-16') Double - 10'-20' kpyoung ? ? ? Skating since forever N/A Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') krp2115 Step Black ? 90/75 FBV Started skating at 4/5; Started hockey at 7 N/A Double - 10'-20' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') McJesus ? ? 7/8" 20 yrs Single - 12' Single - 14' Double - 10'-20'
  10. Sorted by Username User Steel Runner Size Hollow Experience Profile 1 (Control) Profile 2 Profile 3 Profile 4 Profile 5 Profile 6 Aggie Step 272 100/50 FBV Started roller in college in 1998; Switch to ice in 2005 Single - 10' Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') cjpritch Bauer LS4 306 1/2" Started in 4th grade thru high school. 2 yr break in college. Single - 11' Double - 9'-10' cjv31 Tydan 280 1/2" Started at 7; Switched to goalie at 13 for 30 yrs; Player for 4 yrs (?) Single - 9' Double - 9'-10' clarkiestooth Tydan 263 3/4" Junior A, 4 yr NCAA, Currently 56 yo Self Custom Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Dave P Tydan 280 ? Skating since forever Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') Double - 9.5'-10.5' + Forward Pitch Deke Step ? 90/75 FBV Started in high school; 40+ yrs N/A Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Quad 2 (7'-10'-13'-16') Double - 10'-20' dkmiller3356 Step 272 100/50 FBV Started at 34; 17 years Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') gevorkya Step Black 272 1/2" Started at 18; 20+ yrs Single - 9' Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Quad 0 - 5/8" ROH (6'-9'-11'-13') jdilley Bauer LS3 Tydan 288 100/50 FBV Play from 10-17yo; Restarted in 2010 Single - 10' Double - 9'-10' jpeaslee Step Black 288 7/8" Inline growing up, 1.5 years on ice Single - 11' Double - 9'-10' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Quad 2 (7'-10'-13'-16') kpyoung ? ? ? Skating since forever N/A Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') krp2115 Step Black ? 90/75 FBV Started skating at 4/5; Started hockey at 7 N/A Double - 10'-20' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') kvm Step Black 280 3/4" Play 8-15yo; 15 yrs as adult N/A Quad 2 7'-10'-13'-16' marka Step 263 5/8" Fire Started at 46 in 2015/2016 Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Double - 9'-10' +1/2deg Pitch Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') McJesus ? ? 7/8" 20 yrs Single - 12' Single - 14' Double - 10'-20' mojo122 Bauer LS5 254 90/50 FBV Played high school + college; 40+ years Single - 10' Triple - Glide 60 (11'-50mm-11') Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Double - 10'-20' pgeorgan ? 254 ? ? Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Goalie Sam Sr 10'-50mm-27' Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') SabbyP Tydan 271 5/8" Started at 14; 10 yr break; Started again at 39 1.5 yrs ago Double - 9'-10' Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') static86 Step 272 3/4" Started in 20s; 10 yrs Single - 10' Double - 10'-20' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') stick9 Step Tydan 246 3/4" C level men's league Single - 10' Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Double - 9'-10' Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') tcraig Bauer LS4 280 3/4" Started at 5; high school, Jr C, B; 10 yr break; Restarted 2 yrs ago Single - 10' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Torikkun Step 220 3/4" 3 yrs Single - 10' Double - 9'-10' tpratt27 Bauer LS3 272 3/4" Started at 4; ACHA in college Single - 9' Vulcan7905 Tydan 280 90/75 FBV 3 yrs as child; Restarted at 27 Single - 10' Double - 10'-20' Triple - Zuperior M (6'-13'-20') Quad 1 (6'-9'-12'-15') Wolfpack_1986 Tydan 238 90/75 FBV Started in college 12 yrs ago Single - 10' Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') yan Mission Pitch 263 7/16" Pond hockey growing up; 10 yrs Single - 9' Double - 10'-20' Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20') Double - 9'-10' Triple - Hudson V/5 (9'-50mm-10.5') Quad 0 (6'-9'-11'-13') yipperzz CCM SB 4.0 247 90/1 FBV Roller for 25 yrs; Ice for 20 yrs Double - 8'-12' Forward Pitch Triple - Zuperior S (6'-12'-20')
  11. Hey Everyone! I organized all the reviews into a table with the links to each person's post. This way, you can easily see how they transitioned through each profile and read through the review chronologically. It was a little difficult to organize because people were usually getting back several runners in batches, but I tried my best. I wanted to share a direct link to the spreadsheet, but wasn't sure how to do that anonymously, so the data has just been pasted in several posts below. I have it sorted via the following ways: 1) Username, 2) Runner Size, and 3) Hollow. I wanted to somehow sort by hockey experience as well, but it was difficult to standardize everyone's experience. I just took snippets from the info they provided. Table Legend Highlighted in green are the final profiles the user decided on. In yellow are either their 2nd place picks, ties for 1st/2nd place, or the profile that they liked out of the ones they tried, but it didn't seem like they finished their profiling "journey". (Personally, I never finished mine because I kept getting injured on/off for the whole year, then I found I needed new skates, and then COVID happened.) My Observations It took people an average of +4 profiles from stock (so technically 5 total) to figure out which one they liked. Of the 7 users who distinctly stated their favorite profile, 6/7 picked a Quad. 2/7 picked a Triple (Hudson V). Of the ones users would have been happy with (yellow) if they hadn't tried out their favorite profile, most were tied on triples and quads. This leads me to believe that the majority of people would benefit from trying out a triple or quad profile, but in this region, the differences start to become smaller, so you get into diminishing returns. Honorable Mention: @gevorkya's journey was interesting to read because they ended up trying several different hollows on the same profile to land on their favorite. (Read their Quad 1 review for reference.) Hopefully this helps people out a bit if they want to try out profiling! Last I checked, most places didn't offer profiles, but it seems like even big retailers are starting to offer it. Edit//Link to Excel version of spreadsheet.
  12. Looks like it's been a year since I last posted on this... Since the last test, JR suggested changing the pitch since it was odd that I felt like I had a toe-pick on my heel. Unfortunately, I never got to test this out since work got really busy and I kept injuring myself over the entire year. I had switched back to the control 10' profile in the past year since that's what I was used to. I decided to give the 9'/10' another try. I went to a public skate and started with the 10' then switched to the 9'/10' halfway through. I didn't notice much difference aside from being able to do tight turns much better. I felt like I could lean harder into the turn and the front of my blade didn't just flatten out. I actually didn't feel any of the "heel toe-pick" I felt from last time. I think the heel-pick feeling went away due to my skating improving. This year I've focused on leaning forward more to get better on my toes. It might be that in the past, I just leaned too far back in my skates, so when I switched to the 9'/10', I might have leaned too far back due to me unconsciously feeling like the front was too rockered. I also recently re-baked my skates and improved the heel lock. (See post here for details.) I think the re-bake helped a lot with the stability. Since the public skate was pretty crowded, I didn't get to test much of the speed and mobility. I'm going to give this profile a more tries since I had such positive results today. I remember trying them last year and hating them so much that I wanted them off my skates as fast as possible.
  13. I don't have True skates, but I just wanted to share some experience related to the True process of baking skates... Some (many?) pages back, @SkateWorksPNW mentioned that they the True shrink wrap method when baking any skate. I did this for my Ribcor 68k's and now they fit perfectly. In the past, after baking, I would lose the heel lock after a couple skates. My LHS said that it wouldn't be as effective for other skates, but still let me try it out. He put the skates in the over for a bit longer than the recommended 5 minutes to get them much softer, but hopefully without damaging the boot. He said 7-8 min, but I wasn't keeping track. He thought 10 min would be far too long. I went to a public skate to test them out today and they felt amazing. I actually had difficulty putting on and taking off the skates because of how much wrap there was. My edge control was actually significantly better because of how well my skate reacted. I felt like I could lean harder into my edges because my foot felt more stable. I could do quick starts without feeling like my heel was lifting out of the skate. I was actually able to go another eyelet down on my skates because of how well they fit. Is this how custom skates feel!? I can see why y'all love your skates so much now. 🤣 One minor annoyance is that the edge of the top of the tongue digs into my foot a little... probably because of the better wrap. After going down an eyelet, the tongue doesn't dig into my foot as much, but I'd still like to get rid of it all together if possible....Would it be better to try opening the top eyelet like this pic or shaving off some of the tongue? Any suggestions on how I could shave the edge of the tongue to make it taper?
  14. Played a game last night. I didn't notice any difference when I got on the ice, but I also didn't swap steel in the middle of the game. One thing I felt odd was that I had great stability on the right skate, but my left still had a "rockery" feeling. I'm going to try going to pick-up and swapping steel in between to see if I notice any significant differences.
  15. Steel - Step 220 Hollow - 3/4" Profile - 9'/10' (Test 1) About Me - I started skating about 2 years ago and started playing hockey about 1 year after that. After reading a ton of threads, everyone emphasized skating, so I wanted to make sure I could skate before I got into any hockey. Had I done things differently, I would have starting skating and doing off-ice stick work because when I started playing, my hands couldn't keep up with my feet. (They still can't hahah, but I'm slowly getting there.) Every time I play hockey with someone new, they've always commented on how good my skating looks. I've been asked multiple times if I figure skated in the past. A lot of people think I'm really fast (at my level), even though I always lose in straight races with my friends, so I think the "fast" perception comes from smooth skating. I definitely feel like technique wise, my skating is very smooth, but my greatest weakness is agility with turns/pivots and explosive power acceleration/stops. I also have a bad tendency to skate upright in the back, even with my knees bent, and this comes from scoliosis surgery I had at 13. (My posture is great though!) This causes me to be a bit more on my heels than I should. Being an engineer, I love to tinker and try out new things. When I felt I was a decent enough skater I started fiddling with hollows. This site got me interested in profiling, but I could never justify trying out a bunch of different profiles, so this project was the perfect excuse! I've had my skates profiled once when I upgraded my skates. The boots were physically the same size, but since the listed sizes were different, CCM used a smaller holder/steel. The new skate felt too rockery, so I had them profiled to a 10'. Review- There really wasn't much difference between this profile and the control 10'. The biggest difference was the added stability and extra heel in the back. Since I my natural posture/balance point is more in the back, I felt like the extra heel interfered with my balance a bit. A lot of time the extra heel felt like it was dragging and causing the skates to feel slower. The extra heel didn't feel different with backwards skating. Stopping: The steel seems to catch more--but only along the back half of the blade versus if you were to increase the hollow and feel the extra bite right at the center/rocker. Just a small annoyance--we'll see if this changes if I play in a game where I'm not focused on skating. Power Pulls: (This is where you switch from outside to inside edge on one foot.) Initially, I had trouble doing these. After the 2nd, 3rd pass around the long side of the rink, I was able to adjust my skating and do them again. My feeling was that the rocker point was in the same spot but what made it harder was that all my weight seemed to be stuck on the back so when I initially started, I couldn't really use the edge correctly. I didn't notice this issue at all when I was purely doing just 1-foot c-cuts (inside or outside edge). To adjust, I needed to lean my weight more forward so I was more balanced on the rocker properly. Overall, didn't really like this profile. It felt like having a toe pick on my heel. Acceleration: 2.5Mobility: 2.5 (-0.5 from control)Stability: 3.5 (+0.5 from control)Speed: 2.5 Profile Tested Before This: 10' (control)Next Profile: n/a (Additional Comment)I've skated one public skate on this, so I'm going to play a game tomorrow night and report back! Maybe one other public skate.
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