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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Got rid of them for some Vapor 1X on sale. Slightly more volume, even more so in a 16", which the free flex helps with having a longer pad. Anyways though, they are great pads if you have normal sized calves.
  2. Noticed Brassard in the Re Akt 150 tonight and got some screen caps. As noted earlier, one-piece with a back piece like the CCM tacks. https://imgur.com/a/INe9QH5
  3. It would be neat if the All Star Game made them use retail sticks with retail curves. Bonus if you have a curve named after you, you have to use it. Ovi with a P88, Crosby with a P29, etc.🤣
  4. Guess they should be out soon than. Hopefully around the time 1S goes on sale so I can compare S190 vs whatever new 2nd highest is
  5. Don't know if it's been mentioned, but Sweden appeared to be wearing new Super Tacks AS1 gloves at WJC.
  6. No problem. I'm aware of the product leaking rule, was just wondering if it applied.
  7. Hmm, it kind of looked like a CCM Tacks play-off. Looks like the main shell is solid. Are you able to give more details? Release time, guessing next May/June?
  8. New Bauer helmet looks to be a semi-one piece design like the CCM Tacks. If it's replacing the RE-AKT, looks like it will command $200, not a very competitive price. Bauer stuff generally seems to be priced higher than comparable CCM/Warrior. Wonder if they'll have something similar to replace to RE-AKT 100 at $120-130, to compete with the Tacks 310 and Alpha One Pro Wish they could update/re-launch the old Easton one-piece. Back of helmet on Wilson - https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/lars-eller-of-the-washington-capitals-celebrates-his-goal-with-the-picture-id1084758006 https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/lars-eller-of-the-washington-capitals-celebrates-his-goal-with-the-picture-id1084758004 Top shots - https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/tom-wilson-of-the-washington-capitals-and-jamie-oleksiak-of-the-picture-id1084748170 https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/tom-wilson-of-the-washington-capitals-and-jamie-oleksiak-of-the-picture-id1084748166 https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/tom-wilson-of-the-washington-capitals-is-checked-by-jack-johnson-of-picture-id1084758154 Front/side on Kempny - https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/derick-brassard-of-the-pittsburgh-penguins-controls-the-puck-against-picture-id1074431144
  9. Difficult to tell from a front shot, but almost looks like it could be a one-piece shell. At the very least, it looks very streamlined.
  10. More pics of the elbows @adam14 https://imgur.com/a/za3IG53
  11. I didn't get the shoulder pads, but someone here probably has. They look great, but I'd like if they wrapped the torso with the hex foam more similar to S190 pads (coincidentally looking at those to go on sale). Wish they kept the torso strap covers too. No worries about the elbows moving, especially while wearing my Shock Doctor shirt with the sleeve lock.
  12. Got my RX3 gloves, elbows, and shins today. Have to say I'm just as pleased with the gear as I though I would be. The finish of the gear is top notch, just had one thread on the shins I had to trim (it was too long, no evidence of pulled out stitching). Tags all pulled out easily. The fit of the gloves and elbows are great. It's brand new, but already feels pretty good when stick handling. Tons of motion but no worries about protection. The hyper extension thumb protection is the best I have seen. The hex cell wrap is really form fitting and protective. The sleeve in the elbow pads is not loose, but it isn't tight enough it cuts off circulation and provides discomfort. The end of the gloves and the elbows meet up very well. https://imgur.com/fbhFrir https://imgur.com/kX3fRsb The palms and the super fabric on the gloves is nice, but there is no getting around how it seems slightly abrasive and I am worried that overtime it could wear away at my stick. Super fabric is used in some motorcycle gear and some people have complained about it scratching their bikes. Also not stoked on all the small STX logos, just kind of makes the gloves seem cluttered and like the company is trying too hard to plaster their name. All gloves have thumb logos, but I think the RX3 logo would have looked better here. The small STX on the index finger just looks out of place and I'm going to try and black it out. The side of the palm is whatever but it would look cleaner without it. https://imgur.com/43QcETk The shins are not bad. The shell provides great coverage and the liner is very comfortable. Strapped up they are very secure. Now I do have humongous baloon calves, even when I'm in great shape (right now I'm slightly overweight and losing), but I do wish for longer straps and more wrap anyways. The side wraps are good coverage, but I would prefer more. If you can see in the one picture, the rectangular stitching is the velco hooks. Had to really crank the strap to get the uncomfortable velcro off my leg, and there is still a bit there. I am worried that having to crank the straps could over stress them. I almost wish I could have the shell/liner of a 15" but the calf wraps and straps of a 16". @STXHockey if you're reading this, I would buy that product right away, perhaps call it a size + (size 15"+ size equals 15"shell/16" calves, etc.). https://imgur.com/5OO1HaP https://imgur.com/tKXanes Weights are as follows (weighed each piece and averaged, compare each weight for consistency): Elbows SR LG - R 245g, L 250g - 5g difference Gloves 14" - R 295g, L 292g - 3g difference Shins 15" - R 650g, L 660g - 10g difference 😐
  13. Stick weights are listed: RX3 - 435g, RX3.1 - 455g, RX3.2 - 515g https://www.stx.com/hockey/gear/sticks/surgeon-rx3-stick https://www.stx.com/hockey/gear/sticks/surgeon-rx31-stick https://www.stx.com/hockey/gear/sticks/surgeon-rx32-stick Very good considering the shafts have slightly more surface area than traditional sticks, and the flex profile may add more weight to the construction I'm not sure. They are advertised as having high balance points so the perceived weights should feel even lighter. I can weigh my RX3 gloves, elbows, and shins when they get here hopefully next week. Have you tried on the Stallion shin guards?
  14. I'm currently using and enjoying a True stick, but trying a Surgeon stick is on my radar. Would be awesome is the trial extended down to the 3.2 and 3.1, but understandably sending out one SKU to trial like that has to be a burden, it is amazing that you guys are doing it. Times are changing and it's a great modern business model, but just know some people are so ingrained in trying gear at stores. Anyways, I ordered my RX3 gloves, elbows, and shins today. I should be enjoying those soon, and the pants are on my radar but I hope my Mako pants never die. 🙂 I can only dream of the $100 RX5 helmet which outclasses ones twice the price, and $500 one-piece semi-custom RX6 skates.
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