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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I ended up getting a pair of Bauer RS inline skates - size 9 - for $150. I tried them out last night and they feel pretty good. I've only roller bladed a few time. It's a bit different then ice, isn't it? My goal this summer is to build up my strength & endurance, work on my backwards crossovers, etc. Hopefully I'll be better ice skater come this fall when the old man leagues start up.
  2. Thanks.. great advice . I have worn 9.5 size ice skates for over 30 years, but i's hard to find inline skates in the shops near me. I don't really plan on playing roller hockey and just want to skate to stay in shape over the summer, before I join another old man ice hockey league. Maybe an inline non-hockey boot would be better for me? I just thought if I ever do play roller hockey it would be better to get hockey boot, plus they look cooler:)
  3. The problem is I can’t Size 9.5 within my $200 budget.
  4. I am finally getting around to buying some inline hockey skates. My shoe size is 11 and my skate size is 9.5, but for under $200 I can't find any skates in 9.5 with a hard wheel. So would it be better to go with a skate size of 10 or a smaller size of 9?
  5. Hi All, I've started to playing Ice Hockey a few years ago. My ice skating still needs a lot of work. It's hard to find stick & puck time during the summer months, so I thought I might look into buying roller hockey skates to use during the summer months, to help with my stride & stamina, and just skating in general. My question is there a pair of skates under $200 that would work well for this? do the skates with a hockey boot perform differently than a inline type boot? Paul
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