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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Rhart088

  1. Before heads explode I KNOW that painting a helmet is dumb and weakens the plastic and comes off and looks terrible. And I already contacted Bauer and they will not sell just the ventsThis is why I ask. My little guy who is 10 plays rep hockey non contact. Well his regular team due to politics will be taking a year off to move leagues. Due to his regular team colors being Navy and powder blue will not work with the Black and Orange of the team he is playing for this season. Luckily he has a black Bauer Re-akt 75 in all black that we bought this summer for ball hockey. But the coach prefers the vents on the helmet to be orange. Well as he already owns 2 $160 helmets buying a 3rd is just not something I want to do.Sooooooo I was wondering if there was a way to paint the vents orange. I bought some 3M vinyl which works but it's a pain. I was thinking Orange krylon fusion and super light coats.
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