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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Innateshell

  1. Also, would anyone be willing to give me some guidance on the best way to center the chassis on the boot, seeing as there was no ice holder on then originally to get the center line?
  2. Thank you for the reply! In my impatience I ordered a pair of Kuzak chassis I found new in the box on eBay! So I'm glad to hear you've mounted them in the past with no issue! When everything arrives and I get it all mounted, I will post a completed photo! Thank you again! Edit: Here is a link to the chassis! http://imgur.com/a/w9PQRSz
  3. Hello Everyone! I've recently acquired a pair of new, undrilled Mission Amp Flyweights that I want to convert to inline. I've done a fair but of research and came across mentions of it being difficult to find chassis/frames that fit this boot. Does anyone know anymore about this? There were confirmations that redstar chassis will fit, but I can't find a pair in a size medium anywhere online. I'm not really picky as to a Hi-Lo or straight chassis or wether it is new or used. I was just hoping someone may have some insight on what chassis would work! I'm not sure how to resize an image and I don't want to violate forum rules. But here is a link to photos. http://imgur.com/a/E9PqAX0
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