Banana rocker is a term used in inline skating. It is when 1st and 4th wheels are higher than 2nd and 3th. This can be done either with smaller wheels or a prerockered frame. For example 76-80-80-76 or 72-76-76-72 or frame with 1st and 4th axles 2mm higher than 2nd and 3th. This setup is standard in slalom skating, where very tight curving radius is needed. With it only 2 wheels are in contact with ground, which shorten the wheelbase from 243mm to 81mm (in case of 80mm wheels). It mimics the rocker of an ice blade, just with a bigger radius. It is not so fluid as on ice blade, but still, it provides much better pivoting abilities than 4 wheels in contact with ground, as there are actual additional pivoting points on second and third wheels.