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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ivani

  1. Banana rocker is a term used in inline skating. It is when 1st and 4th wheels are higher than 2nd and 3th. This can be done either with smaller wheels or a prerockered frame. For example 76-80-80-76 or 72-76-76-72 or frame with 1st and 4th axles 2mm higher than 2nd and 3th. This setup is standard in slalom skating, where very tight curving radius is needed. With it only 2 wheels are in contact with ground, which shorten the wheelbase from 243mm to 81mm (in case of 80mm wheels). It mimics the rocker of an ice blade, just with a bigger radius. It is not so fluid as on ice blade, but still, it provides much better pivoting abilities than 4 wheels in contact with ground, as there are actual additional pivoting points on second and third wheels.
  2. Hi Per/Petter, I'm not a hockey player, just ordinary inline skater and I have a question. I understand how your chassis leads to more ice blade-like body movement, but cannot understand how it improves maneuverability. It depends mostly on wheel base and with all 4 wheels in contact with ground, wheelbase is the same as with normal chassis. Also can you explain how your product compares to banana rocker, which shorten the wheelbase and makes the profile of the wheels similar to ice blade, improving the ease of pivoting? Thanks!
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