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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Cool thanks for that, unfortunately the local CCM retailer doesn’t carry the new range - I would be looking at the FT2’s which are currently on sale.
  2. They stay pretty narrow, based on a very bad sketch attempt they are roughly 30cm long and 10.5cm at the widest point. Relatively high arches, I’ve got superfeet in my Jetspeeds which I like. My previous skates were size 12 Supreme total one’s which I hated, the Jetspeeds feel comfy so I’m chasing a similar fit. The only physical hockey store in my country only stocks Bauer and they never carry large sizes so I feel like the safest option is to stick with Jetspeeds.
  3. Hey thanks for that, I’ve got pretty narrow feet but the 2015 Jetspeeds fit me so I’ll factor that in. Unfortunately the skates come in through third party retailers and as far as I’m aware don’t have the return policy. I’ll do some more digging on that though.
  4. Hey that’s really helpful thanks! Unfortunately it’s online orders only for CCM in my country so no opportunity to try them on. This is great info, hopefully the 4 weeks pass quickly and you get back on the ice soon.
  5. Hey would you mind commenting on the Jetspeed FT2 Fit compared to earlier Jetspeeds? I’m in the 2015 Jetspeed and keen to upgrade to the FT2 however I don’t have the luxury of trying them on. I’m aware the sizing changed, so my 11D 2015’s translates to a 11.5D FT2, but would really appreciate a comparison fit wise! Thanks I’m advance and apologies if this post appears twice, I tried to post before I registered for the site.
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