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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by bleedblue94

  1. to anyone whos worn both xxx's and 9ks .... how do the sizes match up? say im a 7.5 in the xxx's would i be a 7.5 in the 9ks or would it be a 7?
  2. and a comparison of each with an easton skate? btw thanks allot everyone for the time
  3. My L7s have a lot of padding in the ankles, and my Vapors seem to have next to none, but it may just be because they're pretty broken down. The actual width of the heel seems to be pretty close, but the missions are an EE and the bauers are a D. The Missions also feel a bit deeper, which may make for more problems with heel slippage if you don't need a high volume skate. yeah i was never in love with mission ... id just love to hear feedback on if other people have had the same issue as me with the xxx's and whether or not the 9k pumps would be a wise or poor option. those are the skates im really leaning towards
  4. i know exactly what youre talking about .... even though the eastons have a wider heel they do seem to hold the heel with more stability ... thats why im getting allittle confused. i know even if a certain skate has got a wider heel it can still hold the heel better then a skate with a narrow heel depending on how its designed i just need to be sure to find a skate that will lock a heel down better then the vapor xxx's will
  5. im not saying that the heel slippage is due to break down ... the break down has been due to heel slippage in my case. a couple months after wearing them my heel began slipping and that caused my ankle bones to rub and break down the padding in the ankle areas. can someone please tell me how do vapor heels generally compare to an easton heel? like i said earlier i use to wear eastons and dont recall ever having this problem so im trying to determine if this is bc my heel is too narrow for the skates? or if its a lcing issue with the vapors thats allowing my foot to move within the skate after about 1.5 hours of skating
  6. wondering bc the 9ks are the way im leaning
  7. what kinda heel do you have? what skates did you wear before? I'd say I have a narrow or narrower then average heel. I was wearing Graf 703's for the past five or so years. It's so hard to tell what will work for you without trying them on. Also look at CCM Vector's. They have a narrow heel and mid foot. what prompted the change from graf to rbk?
  8. what kinda heel do you have? what skates did you wear before?
  9. yeah i use to wear easton and dont remember ever having this problem ... but im not in love with the synergy skates personally i dont lace the top 2 eyelets bc i like to get that extra forward flex.... so yes i open the skates up when i take them off .... its not like i rubbung and wearing the heel down when i take my skates off/put them on so as im understanding now people are suggesting easton and grafs? not rbk 9ks correct?
  10. bc as i understand it the boot is only covered for 90 days while the blade/holder is covered for a year .... believe me if i could i would send them back
  11. yes the rest of the skate seems to fit fine. as for quick solutions im kinda in a bind bc as of right now the ankle padding is completely gone from around the inside ankle bone... making it very painful to skate in them so itd be safe to say the 9ks would also be helped bc of the lock? anymore opinions? No, the RBKs don't feature the the technology I'm talking about. The pump should help in that area, although I have never tried them. I think you are thinking of the "lace lock" which both skates have. The heel lock is different. oh yeah youre correct ... my fault
  12. so itd be safe to say the 9ks would also be helped bc of the lock? anymore opinions?
  13. please i need help choosing skates. ive had vapor xxx's for about the past 8 months and they are breaking down. the reason why appears to be my heel has been slipping more and more over the past couple months causing premature wear in the ankle areas of the skate. so now im needing to get skates. 5-10 180lbs. ive been advised to get skates that are made for a more narrow heel and those suggested have been graf 703, graf 735, or rbk 9ks. please help me make an informed decision. i know most of you will say simply go to the lhs and try them on but the only stores within 2 hours do not have skates in stock in my size at this point in the season... ive checked already. also my other concern is when i got the vapor xxx's they seemed to fit perfectly and i originally had no concerns of heel slippage, so now im worried to make a mistake again. tia
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