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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    Hockey, beer, guns, fitness
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    Warrior Alpha

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  1. I have, and actually once I gained some skill at winning faceoffs, I love it. I appreciate being able to play a little deeper. I naturally drop down a little deeper on defense when I need to cover, but as a winger that puts me out of position sometimes -- but it helps keep the puck out of our net. When defense gets back in position, I go back to cover my zone. Anyhow, when playing center it's nice because I'm actually supposed to generally be in that area if mlneed be. I've got a D league team I'm slated to sub for, so when I get some ice time with them hopefully I can get added to the roster after a few games.
  2. Defense is fun. I've been working on positioning on near the dots, forcing plays outside, and clearing the puck or making a breakout pass if I can force a turnover. Still working on the slapshot 🤣 That's another story. We have to keep our windup below the knees in my league, so I've been hesitant to really get into it.
  3. You aren't that advanced in age -- I started playing at 36 with ZERO experience in hockey and less than a year of semi-regular skating. I've put in quite a few hours skating grabbing public skates to get really good at skating. I even took a power skating class this past summer -- I learned the middle and high wchool kids have WAY more energy than I do 🤣. I stick handle at home whenever I'm bored or trying to get good at a skill or just puck feel in general. As far as the ceiling I couldn't say, but with a good bit of hard work you can get proficient and be competitive enough to get out and have a good time and feel good about your performance.
  4. I always try to aim for 2 things for energy: 1) be hydrated, 2) have protein/fatty meals. 1) Be hydrated: If you can, try and make sure you're hydrated at least 2 days before your ice time and stay that way. If you aren't, this is a good time to start. If you're playing catch up and you don't have 48 hours, something like Gatorade, Powerade (sodium & electrolytes) will help. I definitely notice a difference in energy when I'm not hydrated as well -- even day to day in the same shape. 2) Protein/fatty meals: Your body should primarily fuel off of protein and fats. Grab you a handful of peanuts, have some tuna and avocado, chicken -- anything to load you up with proteins and ideally healthy fats. For those less aware, mono- and polyunsaturated fats are what you want. I hope this helps! I'm 37 myself and this has worked pretty well for me.
  5. Thanks, and yeah I agree you get better by being pushed outside of your comfort zone. I played with D the other day and got way more touches and a bonus: a hat trick 🧢
  6. Thanks, gosinger. That all makes sense and I completely agree with practice being far more beneficial than games. I do come back to the hash marks (or higher, depending on the play), sit on the boards, communicate, have my stick on the ice as a target, etc. The problem I have is when a defender is pinching down on the puck carrier behind me. Depending on the angle the defender takes, I may slide down the boards, or I may cut across behind them in the opposite direction of their travel to be that outlet pass. If I cut behind them across ice I find a lane, and I get these passes plenty with the C- and D-level players, but it seems in the E league the passes in those situations just don't come on time usually. I fully understand slowing down/changing speed and using that for deception, but sitting on the boards for 8 seconds and watching somebody get challenged is hard to watch, when I can just skate laterally and find a lane that would have the puck out of the defender's reach and up ice. Am I doing something wrong, or is that just the pace of E league?
  7. Hey all, I've been playing hockey for less than 2 years, but I've put a ton of work into skating. My issue is that during games in my novice league, I don't get very many touches on the puck. When I play pickup games with C- and D-level players, I score 1-3 goals -- usually with an assist or two mixed in there as well. Which leads to my question: is it possible I'm skating too fast for E league?? Straight line speed aside, I transition well, skate backwards quickly, do backwards crossovers, and mohawk. I find open ice and tap the ice, but often before a teammate sees me and makes the pass, the lane is gone. As a forward, this seems to limit my touches on the puck. Having said all that, I'm throwing this question out there as a sanity check. I see in E league that many skaters don't play with their head up very well yet, and I imagine this affects their ability to see open players quickly enough, and then perhaps a lack of confidence in sending hot passes or saucing them might be an issue, too. Ok -- let me have it! 🤣
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