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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. I did go with the Quad XS. It definitely has a different feel than Quad 0. Less blade on the ice for sure (especially at the back). More "rockered". Better transitions and maneuverability, bit better agility. Less glide and power off the stride or crossover. I was surprised at how different it feels from Quad 0 given the numbers don't seem too different. I've yet to try Zuperior. Although some other profiles I've had might be similar. I've heard either great things about Zuperior or horrible things. No in between. Prosharp advertises Zuperior is the agility profile, but from what I hear, based on real experiences, it's more for stability and speed. Which makes sense looking at the profile radii. Most people I know think Quads are the agility profiles, not Zuperior.
  2. Thanks for sharing! What you say makes sense. I live in a hockey city but the Ellipse has not taken off here. Every skate shop I talk to has told me the Ellipse is not popular at all for various reasons but I suspect you're correct about the lack of marketing. Some of the people who work at these shops have tried the profile and generally like it. It might be worth a try when I get new runners.
  3. Hi, have the Ellipse profiles become popular yet in the hockey community? I haven't heard of many that have it for some reason. For a 254mm holder I'm in a quad 0 and thinking of switching to a quad XS or one of the Ellipse profiles. Wondering if people had a hard time switching to Ellipse? Or is it pretty seamless transition coming from a quad profile? Is the Ellipse actually superior to quad as advertised?
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