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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor X7.0
  • Shin Pads
    Warrior Dynasty
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer Total One MX3
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer Vapor X:20
  • Pants
    Reebok 9k Girdle
  • Helmet
    Easton Stealth S7
  • Gloves
    Tron 4 Roll
  • Stick
    Warrior Covert QRE W03 L-65

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  1. Probably not what you're looking for, but there are these guys. Premium Ice Hockey Gloves | Handcrafted Genuine Leather – MODEST VINTAGE PLAYER LTD I think I recall someone saying they're basically Verbero's, but don't quote me on that. Again, likely not what you have in mind. They do look sick though!
  2. I'm reviving this thread in the hopes of getting some clarification or opinions from players more experienced than I am with skate modification. Apologies if this is considered necroposting or anything, I regularly visit MSH for info, but haven't actively participated in a forum for years and years now! My question is about moving up two holder sizes, and whether it's necessary or a potentially bad idea (or if what I'm proposing is even technically a two-size jump?). My skates are Bauer Vapor X7.0, size 5.5 EE with 254 holders. They're about a ten year old skate at this point but were relatively high end at the time. A benefit of small feet is fitting into junior size skates which come with a lower pricetag! My stock LS2 steel (size 254) is wearing down and I'd like to replace it as I have no problem with comfort or performance right now. I'd like to at least upgrade to Step Steel, and I've found some online that I can drop in. I'm wondering if I should take this opportunity to experiment with longer runners though. My thinking is that I'm pretty tall relative to my foot size. At 5'11" I'm probably quite a few inches taller than the average size 5.5 skate wearer. As such, most players with my height and stride mechanics would probably be using runners a few sizes larger than mine so I'm wondering if moving up might be useful for me to match the blade contact time to my stride. I've found a few options for size 263 edge holders/runners online such that the service cost of replacement would be the only real additional cost to me versus just getting used 254 Step Steel. Now, size 5.5 skates normally come with size 247 holders and runners, but EE width skates come with one size higher (not sure why exactly...). The 254 holder already takes up pretty much the entire outsole/footplate, so if I were to go to a 263 it would probably hang over on each end a bit (hoping I can just file that down for cosmetic purposes). However, the comment from a few years ago I quoted at the start made it sound like this change might not be a good idea at all. I'm happy to make the change with full recognition that it may not provide any advantage, but I'd rather not mess with things significantly if it's just going to have to be reversed. I've skated on slowly declining 254 LS2 steel for ages now, so even going to the same size Step Steel may take some adjustment due to the runner height. I'm sure adding new longer/taller holders on top of that will just complicate things, but as long as I can adjust in a few sessions I'll be happy! I'd like to try the modification, but it certainly has the potential to be more hassle than it's worth, so I'd appreciate any insight folks might have before I dive in.
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