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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Gally1111

  1. What hollow did your kid and his buddies like the gold at? Mine just tried the gold , straight ahead was fast but he didn't like the crossovers....felt like he was going to wipe everytime he crossed over....
  2. Is there built in pitch on the tydan gold profile?
  3. Very interesting, thank you for the post! My son tried the powercut and although he loved it he seemed a bit flat. Speed and agility were really good but accelaration seemed a touch slower. I just got them done to a powercut 2 which adds 0.2 degrees of pitch which I'm hoping gets that accelaration going. Looks good in practice so far, hasnt tried them in a game yet.
  4. You lose the profile throughout the season after sharpening so often and I can tell when his is wearing down. I'm just looking to see if these profiles are more suited to him then what he has.....off-season seems to be the time to try new things.
  5. Did you try the powercut ? If so what were your thoughts?
  6. Hey guys, My ten year old has been skating on a 9/10 and I am looking to maybe put him in an advanced profile. I'm really stuck between the tydan powercut, max edge 981 or any prosharp multiple radius. Hes still a very North- South skater with a good stride that tends to get choppy as the profile wears down.....any insight would be appreciated!
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