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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by rcb88

  1. Thanks for answering. The new fit system just doesn’t work for me. I’m scanned at a 6.5 fit 2 in hyperlites but the heel feels too sloppy. When I try the fit 1 it feels too tight in the forefoot/not enough volume. I recently bought a pair of used pro stocks with E/A fit system in the hyperlite 2s and it’s so much better. Is that possible for a normal person to get? Im really curious about the shadows and am leaning to the custom route but am unsure of what they can do. I heard there were going to be custom orthotics so that might be different too, but basically my foot is shaped like a duck foot, wide forefoot, narrow heel.
  2. Apologies if this has already been posted or discussed. How much customization can you get if you’re not a pro player or connected to the industry? Can you still specify forefoot width or heel width like the previous fit system or is it something entirely different now. I understand that they aren’t built on new lasts but is it really just specifying custom lengths and color ways? thanks
  3. Very helpful, thanks! So if it’s a 7 in length can I assume it fits like the old vapor 2x pros? Because in hyperlites I’m like a 6.25.
  4. Apologies if this is already in a thread somewhere, but basically are the custom fit hyperlites the same fit system as retail? I’ve seen custom skates on sideline swap that have the older designation (ie. 7ee/a) and I’m wondering if they fit the old way. I’m thinking about buying a pair but my size in hyperlites are half to a full size smaller than my vapor size. Also is it a significant difference to go between half sizes? bonus question: does anyone know what size heel cup the fit 1/2/3 systems have? thanks in advance!
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